
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sun Shine Day.

Our Location Today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

When we woke this morning the sun was shining brightly into our bedroom. This was nice to see but in the same instance it was bad. The bad part was that our curtains that should have been blocking out this early morning sun were piled against the electric baseboard heater on the floor.

 Even though they had been properly mounted the area of the wall where the achors had been mounted had been repatched many times over the years after other tenents had left and the wall could not hold the weight of the drapes. After breakfast I repaired the wall making a point that it would not fail during our time here even if that is twenty plus years. Yes I could have had the apartment maintenance people fix it but this way it is done today not some time later this week. Our bedroom curtains will once again be keeping the sunlight out until we choose otherwise.

Kathy and I noted many of the RV blogs we are following are from people who have plans to put their homes on the market. This will allow them to downsize their homes as Kathy and I did or to go Fulltime Rving. We recalled all the work that was involve and it seem sometimes very overwhelming. On some occasions all it took was a walk around the block so we could refocus ourselves and get back on track.

Our journey to this simpler lifestyle did not happen overnight but took us more then two years to accomplish. One of the biggest problems that I had was, there were many things that only I could do, that it was almost like I was turning in circles. Kathy was always busy with everything she could handle plus helping me on the joint projects. The day we locked the door on our old home for the last time it was all worth it.

Strangely Kathy came across a site this morning telling us the importance of Downsizing and Learning to Live with Less. To bad this kind of thing wasn't around years ago when many of us were amassing what we now call STUFF. If it had many of us would not be going through the problems of downsizing that we are having today.

Even though the sun was brightly shinning today the temperatures was keeping most people indoors today. At least it's only another 37 days or less and spring will be shining down upon us. Stay Safe and Enjoy!

It's about time.


What did the hat say to the scarf?

You hang around while I go on a-head!


  1. Learning to live with less takes real discipline, part of Murphy's Law is: if you own space you will attempt to fill it with something.

  2. Thankfully when those curtains fell they didn't melt next to the heater....I'm sure the rod is fixed properly..because you did it and didn't wait for maintenance :) looks like you had a great birthday visitation..have a super week...

  3. Yup, we are one of those folks who are de-cluttering and getting ready to put it on the market in April.

    As each load goes out (to donate, to craigslist, to our kids or to the dump) it feels lighter and lighter and easier to breathe!!!

    Karen and Steve
    (Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard
