
Friday, February 3, 2012

What Did I Do?

Our Location Today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

If you recall in yesterdays post I had mentioned that I had a chance to workout. I'm just getting back into it since last year when we were so busy that I put it to the back burner. After the Christmas holidays were over I had noticed a tightness in most of my clothes and I didn't like it. So I had managed to get a few workouts in then a week passed with nothing. Even watching my intake my clothes were retightening. Yesterday when I started pedalling on the recumbent cycle I started thinking I really needed to work at this harder. I set the resistance at what I used to workout at and I also ran closer to my old time. After posting our blog last night I tried to stand and thought that I was dying from the intense burning pain in my legs.

Of all people I should have known to start with a low resistance for a short workout time. After time and increased workouts I could have slowly increased both until the time I was back to where I was before our move. Even with muscle relaxers the night was excrusiatingly pain filled with little sleep attained. Today I have been using my TENS machine which uses electric shock to stimulate and relax the muscles. It has help immensly but all this was a reminder of what I already knew. Start Slow!

As I started to do yesterday was to catch up on thank yous to our followers. Tonight we would like to Thank Donna K. and Russ Krecklow from Travels in Therapy who have been following us independently and have shared with there wisdom and humor when needed. Yesterday we mistakenly overlooked new followers Jim and Rosie Sathe from The Travels of Jim and Rosie as they are also in the process of downsizing in preperation of going Fulltime in their RV. We'd also like to thank Judy Bell from Travels With Emma who shares her love of nature with everyone so much that Kathy and I are actually starting to pay more attention when birds land on our balcony we now know what they are and not just a bird. Another couple we'd like to thank are Susan and Bob Thomson from Just BS! who continue their fulltime dream after having a setback with Bob's health and still be in awe over the beauty this world has to offer and not giving up. Other people we'd like to thank but have no blog or E-mail information on are Gloria Riley, Ruth, Ester Robbins, and of course Traveler. If any of you want any of your blog information passed on please leave it in the comment section of the posts and we'll get it posted.

With this mild weather most of us have experienced this winter I'm sure most of us will not complain whether it's early spring or it arrives on schedule in 46 days. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It's about time. 


You might be a Redneck if

You've left a note on a stranger's vehicle

that begins with "If U want to sell this car ."


  1. OUCH!! Don't forget to ice those sore muscles. Thanks for the shout out.

  2. Even though I have been walking two miles a day, today my honey,Joe, and I started a new routine at our local athletic center. I had to be reminded to go slow... on both the treadmill and the recumbent cycle. So thanks to you also for the reminder. I have a continuing goal to have my A1c and Cholesterol numbers lower than they were the last time until I get to the numbers the Dr. feels will be best for me.
    Happy travels to you.
