
Monday, February 27, 2012

No Fish Story.

Our Location Today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

Well at least with us being retired we don't have to use an alarm clock too often. When we have restless nights we tend to sleep in later in the morning. So I was up by 8:00am and Kathy about 30 minutes later and it was 45 F ( 7 C ) already. Even though we had a few appointments scheduled for this afternoon the rest of the day was looking promising. Promising until we turned on the weather channel to see that the temperature was going to start cooling down starting at noon. Around 11:00 Kathy decided to stand on the balconey to enjoy the warmth when all I heard was a shout HAWK. Without hestitation I grabbed the camera had it turned on and was standing next to her within seconds.

She said there were two of them and pointed the direction they were in. I had the camera zoomed to the max and managed a few shots before I realized I was being blinded by the sun. Kathy learned two things today that  I already knew. One my eyes have always been sunlight sensitive. Two if we are going to get better nature shots we need a larger lens. Yesterday we had only seen the one hawk but today there were two. This should definitely put the fish story to rest. Something else I've heard is there is an eagle's nest not far away. Sounds like more pictures to me.

After our two appointments this afternoon were over I started to bring things to the truck that Kathy decided we no longer needed. I put on my winter jacket and headed out but when I got past the corner of the building I wished I had put my parka on. Thank goodness I only had two trips to make because the wind was harsh and cold.

A little while back on our blog I was thanking people that had become followers. One of those followers had signed on as Ark Travelers and I could not find any information on that follower. Strangely I was reading another blog this morning and noted one of their followers was also Ark Travelers so I clicked on it for the heck of it. Suddenly before my eyes is the site Arkansas Travelers. I had signed onto their site as a follower at the end of December but they didn't write too often and I didn't make the connection. So after all this time We would like to say Thank You Shirley Lawson from the Arkansas Travelers for following our post. Shirley and her husband along with their little furkid Daisy are getting things in motion for future Fulltime RV Living as well.

Another recent follower was a shock after I had stated I couldn't find any imformation on her. She left me the information on a comment and then corrected her sign-in. So both Kathy and I would like to thank Erin and Mui from Two to Travel's Phaeton Journeys for following our blog. Again here is a couple that are counting their days to retirement and Fulltime RV Living.

Again I added Kathy's recipe for the Banana Fritters to her page along with the Strawberry Cream Pie. The recipes won't be that often but we'll try to keep them coming.

It is strange how the closer we get to Spring the more it is feeling like Winter. Tomorrow night into Wednesday the prediction is for mixed rain and snow. With only 22 days left to Spring it can't get here soon enough for me. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It's about time.


You might be a Redneck if

the most expensive meal you ever bought

came with a moist towelette.


  1. I think its about time you guys headed south for the winter months, much too cold there for us, makes me shiver just seeing what you still have to suffer with. We remember when!

  2. Great shot, Rick! I rarely get a good shot of a bird--maybe I'd be able to catch the tail end of a 747. LOL I gave my Nikon SLR to my son and bought myself a little Panasonic. It seems to have a pretty good zoom, but is tiny so I don't have to carry around a big camera. When I had my Canon Rebel 35mm, I had a huge wide angle and telegraphic lens that cost more than the camera. I couldn't justify that kind of cost, again. Only after I gave it to my son did I realize if I had bought a Canon instead of a Nikon, the lens was interchangeable between the 35mm and the digital. Oh, well...still heavy to carry around so it wouldn't have done me any good at this point.

    Fun finding people who are following your blog--my memory fails me as to who is who once in a while, but I have a few (like you, two) who I can attach names to blog name without a problem.

    I'm happiest when the weather is in the 60s and 70s. Any higher than that and I start thinking bugs and muggy. The southwest was unbearable in the summer--hated it.

    Well, I've gabbed enough, tonight. Enjoy your blog, as always and glad you got the hawk. Oh, one more thing. I saw some robins in the yard, today. I have an ap on my iPhone that has bird calls on it. It was amazing. I put the robin on, and they were fluttering around trying to figure out where the new guy in town was! Hilarious. I just put a Red-tailed Hawk (thanks, Judy) on...I wonder if they would have responded to it.

  3. Boy you were sure Johnny on the spot with that camera this time!! Good shot. We had ICY wind here today and possibly snow later in the week. Seems like March always brings cold winds and the last gasp of winter. She hates to leave but hopefully Spring will push her out the door before too long.

  4. Yeah ... good wildlife shots require a good lens ... I was oohing and aahing over some recent photos I've seen that were taken with a prime lens ... just breathtaking ... but I just can't justify the cost (or the weight that I would need to carry).
