
Sunday, February 19, 2012

Busy Odds And Ends Day.

Our Location Today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

Again Kathy and I both slept fairly well and not doing our mental work while we were supposed to be sleeping. What didn't go well was at 6:30 my back told me it was time to get up and there was no way I could fall back to sleep. By the time Kathy got up at 8:30 I had gotten caught up on a backlog of newspapers I had been ignoring.

After breakfast we both got caught up on E-mails and the blogs we follow. After she was done Kathy was dressed and about to do more research when the phone rang. It was Sandy Bronstein calling from Florida just to see how we're doing and filling us in on what she and Gerry have been up to. Kathy and I had travelled with Sandy and Gerry last Spring and Fall. It worked out great because they were able to help us when we had a few problems and then we returned a few of the favours.The are great travel buddies. One of the trips Kathy has been researching for this June will be with Gerry and Sandy.

While Kathy was on the phone I managed to get in a fairly decent workout which I haven't been doing enough of even though I know I makes me feel better. Now my back is feeling just fine.

After lunch Kathy managed to finish a mystery novel she started the other day while I continued making some data entries and taking care of the recycling.

Tonight we headed over to Karen and Greg's for our Sunday night visit. Unfortunately when we arrived they had just gotten home from grocery shopping. We hate interupting when people are just sitting down to have supper, it's like we're infringing on private time. When asked about his snowmobiling trip Greg said it was awesome. The northern part of the province had plenty of snow. Kathy and I are glad it's there and not here.

Kevin and Sandy Schmidt can over to visit and they were asking about our apartment and upcoming plans. We've all gotten together for weekend getaways in the past and Kevin was always the one who kept everyone in stitches. Before we left they started yanking Kathy's chain about how organized she always is for her trips. That's okay because she knows when we hit the road we are going to see everything there is to see and not miss too much of anything.

Speaking of not missing anything even though it's freezing outside we are heading downstairs to enjoy the heated indoor pool. We'll also be thinking of other things we'll be able to do in another 30 days when Spring finally arrives. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It's about time.


You might be a Redneck if

You've tried to dry underwear in a microwave.

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