
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Early Clean-up, Good Practice.

Our Location Today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

We celebrated a quiet evening at home last night reading blogs and watching the ball drop on television at midnight then heading off to bed. With our plans being very liquid at this point things were going in all different directions. Kathy was not yet fully back to normal but still slowly recovering today. She chose to stay inside since outside the wind was blowing at 45 mph.

Since we have our new satelite system being installed on Tuesday the decision was made to put away our Christmas tree and decorations. Also because of everything else that had taken place lately it was again time to do the laundry, so when I got back Kathy had already stripped the tree.

After lunch I packed away the tree and base while Kathy continued to bubble wrap all our collectable ornaments. She didn't quite get it finished today because she's still wacked-out from the Flu. Besides isn't that what's good about retirement there's always tomorrow.

At  3:00 p.m. this afternoon we watched an old John Candy movie that neither of us had seen before. It was hillarious and in some respects made us think back of things that used to happen back in our younger years.
Our decision to stay put for this winter has been very postitive but they will be totally different for next winter. Even just cleaning up today was almost like a dry run for next year so there will be no question of how soon after the new year that we'll be hitting the road.

The big question right now is anyone else counting down the number of days to spring? Eighty-nine days until we start prepping and cleaning the trailer. There are still modifications that we need to finish so that it will be totally organized when we hit the road and we won't be digging to find things in a pile.

It's about time.


You might be a Redneck if
You carry Ziploc bags in
your purse for leftovers.

1 comment:

  1. Keep looking forward to Spring! I know we do. Love those pictures of sunshine in the blogs. Enjoy this new year.
