
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Date Night.

Our Location Today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

We received a few responses on yesterday's post basically agreeing that it is no easy task to think of things to write about. Even professional authors develop Writers Block and have the same problem. Many of us feel we have to always have something entertaining to write about or nobody will read these posts. That's where we are wrong because we are all everyday people who have everyday chores even when we are touring or on vacation. Even the posts of Fulltime RVers will tell you exactly the same thing.

Georgia KOA
After cleaning out the refridgerater of leftovers Kathy waved her magic wand and recreated it all into a wonderful tasting lunch. After cleaning up the kitchen we headed out to see the movie Joyous Noise with Dolly Parton and Queen Latifah. Since we both enjoy theater, comedy and musicals this was a real treat for us. It definitely broke many social and racial barriers that all blended well together and not using songs but actual dialogue where it was supposed to be. We almost started applauding after one musical number because it was highly energizing and made you feel you like were part of the audience on screen. This is a movie we would both highly recommend. The music is awesome! It's a feel good movie for sure. 
Florida Everglades
Once the movie was over we went over to a restaurant called Moxie's where we had a glass of wine, appetizer and an enjoyable dinner that was made to perfection. Since we are both trying to loose a bit of Christmas packaging that seemed to gather around our waists we will both be enjoying the rest of our dinner for lunch tomorrow.

San Antonio Texas Riverwalk
This was what we called a Date Night which we try to have every once in a while whenever we are not travelling. The best part of this date was that most of it was covered by Gift Cards. We tell our children not to buy us anything personal such as clothes or things for our home. We have too many clothes and donated much of our homes furniture and unnecessary stuff when we moved into the apartment. So our suggestion to them is gift cards for shows or restaurants for us to eat out. So we get to Thank our son Kevin and daughter-in-law Melissa for an enjoyable evening out.

Historic San Antonio Mission.
Another reason this evening feels so good is it is only 56 days to Spring. Enjoy! The color of these flowers are absolutely gorgeous!

It's about time.


You might be a Redneck if

You're not sure if the pet

living underneath your trailer

is a dog or a cat.


  1. We don't go to movies very often but I have been wanting to see Joyful Noise. Thanks for letting us know how much you liked it. Love the flowers.
