
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Beter Late Than Never.

Our Location Today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

We have all heard that expression before better late than never. Do you remember in yesterdays post I mentioned that the building company was supposed to do a balcony inspection and did not show up. Well guess what they showed up today. According to these people they were told Thursday the 26th not Wednesday the 25th. Oh well better late than never!

Since it was raining outside Kathy and I went out this afternoon to get some store walking in and to run some errands. Strangely enough we got most everything at Walmart but not everything so it was a few more stops before we lucked out.

Now we had to deliver the last of Kathy's homemade Date cookies to our daughter Karen's home. She hadn't arrived home from work yet so Greg our son-in-law said thank you and Kathy told him to hide them until after supper otherwise she'd eat them first and to be sure Kylla got a taste.

While we were eating our supper the phone rang and it was Karen thanking her mom for the cookies . When Kathy informed her that we had also left some at Kevin and Melissa's last night, Karen said we shouldn't be doing that as we should actually be delivering a larger batch to her. It's a good thing she's not addicted to those cookies.

Even though we are finally settled into our apartment there is always something keeping us busy at this time. Kathy is still planning five trips and possibly a sixth while I continue calculating dimensions for modifications we want to do to the trailer as well as resolving problems that keep occurring with the Blog. I wonder just how busy we will be in the next 54 days when Spring arrives. Enjoy!

It's about time.  


You might be a Redneck if

You're keeping three

animal control officers in a job.

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