
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Fast paced day.

Our Location Today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

We received good news from the police today. They called first thing this morning with the information that I needed to get the truck fixed and not at our expense.  They notified the owner of the blue Montana that backed into our truck that a witness had seen him do it. Being an elderly gentleman he admited that he had driven away because his wife was scheduled for a MRI that afternoon and he was scared of being late. He surrendered his insurance information without hesitation but did offer to pay for it out of pocket.

Shortly after that we received a call from our auto insurance head office. I fowarded the details of my conversation with the police. They were pleased that the police were able to find the person who struck our vehicle and get his information guaranteeing a fast speedy repair at no cost to Kathy and I.

Strangely as I was hanging up from the Insurance company the body shop we had stopped at on Friday was calling back with our truck estimate. We also set a date to have the repairs done. Since there is so much going on during the holidays we chose to bring it in on January 3, 2012.

After lunch we decided to go store walking today. Yesterday was spent on the road with little chance to walk. Another reason is the weather channel is predicting rain most of the day tomorrow and having to walk long distances to your vehicle would not be to my enjoyment.

After a delicious halibut and yam dinner that was topped by a bread pudding dessert we started working on our  post. Why you might ask? Because there are still more Christmas lights to Enjoy.


It's about time.


You might be a Redneck if
The local police go on high alert
during your Super Bowl party.


  1. All is well that ends well. Good happy ending.

  2. How wonderful you got the information... (and his excuse is lame, he could have left his info on a piece of paper in your windshield wiper!)

    Hope they make you good as new again!

    Karen and Steve
    (Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard
