
Friday, December 9, 2011

Cold and Disappointed

Our Location Today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

For some reason there are times we feel we'll never warm up. This weekend is supposed to stay below the freezing mark until Monday. A taste of what is to come is what they say on the Weather Channel. Strange thing is on this Monday past they said our part of the country could expect warmer than normal temperatures for this winter. Same channel with two different forecasts. Which one are we to believe? All I know is it's cold.

The disappointment is that I didn't know that when you use a digital camera to shoot a video, you must shoot it in the landscape position. The only way you can view the video of our Granddaughter singing is if you lay on your left side. I hear there is a program to correct it but $1,500.00 for that program is out of my reach at this time and the foreseeable future. A learning experience the hard way.

What I will do is copy it to audio and set it up on the sidebar for you to hear for yourself's. Kylla is only sixteen but has always loved to sing. When she was only eight Kathy and I took her to Disney World. We attended Mickey's Backyard Barbeque with all the characters mingling with the kids. Kylla wasn't interested in any of them. What she was interested in was the performers on the stage. She stood there mezmerized by them singing and she hasn't stopped singing since.

Well for now we'll just lick our wounds and learn from our mistakes. We'll anticipate the looks on the Grandkids faces on Christmas morning. Another way of biding my time is knowing it is only 112 days until the official start of Spring.

In the meantime you can enjoy the Christmas lights and the season.

The new winners of the Griswald Award.
It's about time.


                              You might be a redneck if
                             you peed the words "I Luv U" into the snow.


  1. good blog now I learned a lesson also..I didn't know you had to be in landscape mode to do a video..thanks for that tip...its pretty chilly here on the east coast as well..have a super weekend..

  2. If you have Windows 7, you can download Windows Live Movie Maker if it is not already on your computer. It is a free Microsoft program with Windows 7. It comes with older versions of Windows as well but don't know if the older versions have all the features. In this version a simple click of the rotate button will fix your video right up. If you don't have this program or don't know how to use it, email me the video (if it isn't too long) and I will fix it for you.
