
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

That time of year

Todays location is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

Its amazing how good you can feel one minute, and not the next. No its not about having an accident, nor that you have had your trailer winterized for the season and you won't be travelling for awhile. It's what everyone dreads at this time, THE FLU.

It seems no matter what you do to protect yourself, if there is a Flu virus in the air, it's going to get you. From one moment feeling fine, to the next moment not knowing which way is up, and back and forth like a big see-saw.

We (both Kathy and I) have a feeling we know how we managed to find this gem that we wish would pack-up and leave soon. We were doing what many people hate doing at this time of year, Christmas Shopping. Yes it's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year, thats what the song says. The gay happy faces (people growling at you for smiling at them), the shoppers (elbowing their ways through the crowds, that you, yourself are stuck in) Yes it's the Happiest Season of all.

Luckily the kids are now doing what we had to do while they were growing up, and are doing it for their own kids. So now it's Grandma's and Grandpa's time, to sit back, and spoil the Grandkids.

It's about time.


  1. Welcome to Blog Land folks. You have done a fine job setting everything up. Christmas shopping and the Flu have not been a part of our lives for many years now but I do remember those days oh too well. I can vouch for the fact that lots of good old Arizona sunshine is a great cure for that miserable Flu bug.

  2. Nice to see another travel blog from wandering Canadians. Nicely set up too. I see blogger has tabs now. I left blogger for Wordpress last winter because tabs were not an option at that time. Hmmmm.... One suggestion if I may.....please consider adding the follower widget to your sidebar. It makes it very easy for readers to return regularly and will also give you a running tally of how many people read your blog regularly. You are off to a great start. Our WP blog can be found at Please drop by when you have time.

    Safe travels.

  3. Hi and welcome from another newbie..we started 3/27/11, pretty much following your same path. House in NY is set to close this month. If you head to FL this winter look us up! We also attended RV Dreams rally, but the spring one. Wonderful folks. I look forward to reading more of your adventures.

  4. Seems inescapable, doesn't it? Banned my boss from my office earlier this week when she showed up with the flu. What she was thinking of, I don't know.

  5. Welcome to the road. Your story sounds so much like ours this summer. Now we have 24 working days left before we head south. So looking forward to the freedom

  6. Hope you get rid of that flu bug soon!

    Congrats on your new blog, and your new RV, and on selling your house so quickly!! We're hunkered down now for the winter, but still hoping to hit the road soon (maybe 2012 will be our year!) I'm sure we'll cross paths again sometime . . .

    Tom & Marci
    Roaming Free 2010

  7. Yes, It is about time isn't it ! Looking forward to travelling along with you and reading about your travels.
