
Saturday, November 26, 2011

Making a difference

Our Location Today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

You often hear advertisements about being a blood donor. "It's in you to give" or "One donation can save up to four lives" or "The life you could be saving might be your own". These may sound like just good marketing catch phrases but they are all very true.

For many years I had always wanted to give of myself in that sense but with my usage of anti-hystamines for a congestion problem I was not allowed to donate. I had the problem surgically corrected. Now I was certain I could become a regular blood donor; but another more devasting problem arose. My wife was diagnose with Non Hogkins Limphoma (Cancer, The Big C). (I am speaking about my late wife not my present wife.)

She was able to win the first 2 battles that she fought with the disease. I remember sitting holding her hand as she went through chemo therapy assuring her everything would workout. Then her blood count would start to bottom out and the Doctors would be giving her blood transfusions that would help. Her battle lasted just under 5 years before she succumbed in 1997.

In the beginning of 1998 I finally fullfilled my promise to myself and became a regular blood donor. I figured it would help not just people who were ill or injured, but maybe it might just have saved my life. This morning after all these years with a few setbacks (colds, flu) I reach a different plateau in my donations.

No I'm not stopping here. I plan on donating as long as my health will allow me to continue. I do not work for the Red Cross or other blood services; but if anyone whose health allows them, please help by giving the "Gift of Life".

After lunch Kathy and I figured we would just pass some time and enjoy the nice weather predicted for today. We were avoiding the big crowds by going to the smaller stores and did find a few more organizers in hopes of finally completing the apartment.

The wind was starting to pick up so we went to the Devonshire Mall to do laps inside and people watch. As we were tiring we stopped at the Source to see what they had as far as E-readers because Kathy was thinking about buying one. Well 2 hours later I was bringing the car to the nearest exit. Not only had Kathy's E-reader problem been resolved but so had our problems about our aging cellphones and an issue we have been having with the cable television service.

Remember the deflating of our bank account due to the truck repair that I mentioned yesterday? Well this wasn't as bad but I think that our bank account is going to need CPB now (cash put back). All this helped us organize our finances as well to the tune of us saving more than 4 times todays purchase price per year. No one can say that we're not helping the economy. Now we just have to sit and read all the instruction manuals so we'll know what we are doing.

It's about time.


You might be a redneck if you think cellulite is a mobile phone company.


  1. Hope you got some good bargains on your new toys. Enjoy.

  2. good job on 'saving a life'...wish I could donate but due to medical reasons I can't...thankfully I"m not a redneck...I certainly know what cellulite is...:)
    wish I didn't

  3. Giving blood is a good thing. My husband has over 650 donations to date and he is still going. Switched from donating whole blood to being a plasma donor which allows you to go weekly. Been a donor for over 15 years.
