
Saturday, November 19, 2011

Amazing Video

Todays location is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

After I posted our blog last night and I made our granddaughter Kylla laugh because I had posted about her visit. Why not she's pretty special, cute and talented as well. Karen her mom showed up after just coming from the mall with the intention of taking Kylla home. Another visit was enjoyed while conversation flowed freely, before the evening ended. It's the first time either of them came to visit since helping us to move back in July. They were both impressed how it looked considering when they left the last time there were boxes piled almost to the ceiling, throughout the apartment.

It's amazing how that  for over 2 years we planned for this move to an apartment. We sold things on-line, in the newspapers, and in garage sales. We gave some things to our kids, and donated lots of stuff to local charities, and it still wasn't enough. Since the move we've been organizing and further purging has taken place.

While we were eating breakfast this morning, the weather channel showed an amazing video, made by 2 young ladies from England. If you enjoy things about nature, this is a must see.

After lunch we ran a few errands, one being to the grocery store. We have already celebrated our Canadian Thanksgiving, and it's not the Christmas holidays yet, but the place was packed. They had all kinds of sales going on, and people were stocking up. You'd have thought, there was a major storm, or famine heading our way.

We still read all the RV Blogs daily with envy. Most of you are where we would like to be. This is something we both agreed to as a regrouping time to finish organizing the apartment, and budget for our future travels.

Yes we don't have to shovel the upcoming snow but we are still having to put up with all these cold temperatures.

Oh well, our time will come soon.

It's about time.


  1. Would you believe we had many nights in north eastern Arizona last year that were colder than Bayfield. Every night our water hose would freeze solid. Desert nights can be pretty frosty and while at the ranch in NcNeal Arizona we had to turn off the water supply to the whole ranch every night for months.

  2. welcome to blogville!! is a wealth of information and a great connection of new 'friends'!!
