
Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Last Hooray and A Happy New Year.

Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

As soon as I woke at 3:00 this morning and started looking at the ceiling, I headed to my Recliner. It was strange how I immediately fell asleep without a Blink. That’s when I realized that I did Blink and Two Hours had passed. Heading back to bed, I Blinked again and another Three Hours had again passed. Must have been all that Fresh Air and Walking we did yesterday that helped us both sleep.

We both settled for a Muffin and Yogurt Cup for breakfast before heading to the Computers. It seems that most are now moving from the Christmas Mode, to the New Years Mode.

Again since this is a Day of Celebration for many like Joe and Nancy enjoying 68 Years of Marriage, it also was for our daughter Karen and son-in-law Greg with 25 Years of Marriage.

Since it was a lite breakfast, when it came time for lunch we enjoyed Grilled Cheese with Olives. Thinking we’d be having a later supper, we topped it off with Blueberries over a scoop of Frozen Yogurt.

I was impressed when reading Our RV Adventures, when Greg explained how pictures taken with a Cell Phone under less than optimal conditions, could make you believe you are seeing trick photography when you are not. Read it and learn.

I also managed to Text a few people that I worked with at Windsor Feedscrew. They all say Mile wants me back, but I need Kathy more.

We haven’t celebrated many occasions this year so we had to get a last hooray in by going out for supper at the nearby Michigan Diner. There were only Two others when we walked in but suddenly the place filled up, and Kathy watched as people were constantly coming in to pick up their Take-Out orders. We both enjoyed their Broasted Chicken, the only problem was it was Steaming Hot, to the point we had to cut it open to let it cool a bit. Only lightly breaded, it was delicious.

It started Raining as we headed home, so I dropped Kathy at the front entrance before parking the Car. With the 37 F (3 C) temperature and the 25 MPH (40 KMH) Wind I was froze by the time I got inside.

The 6 o’clock Local News showed a few news worthy incidents that happened in Windsor, but reported more on the happenings in London. The Local Weather Guesser showed that we could see the Sun again in another Six Days.

After watching the 2012 movie, “Happy New Year”, we are still awake and Plan to bring in the New Year. Again we wish all our Family, Friends and Readers a Safe and Happy New Year.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Why was 6 afraid of 9 on New Year’s Eve?

Because 9, 8, 7..

Monday, December 30, 2024

Lack Of Sleep, Restocking and Happy New Years Eve.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

After not leaving the Apartment for two entire days, it finally took its toll on me. Concentrating on the Doucettes on Saturday, then Rainy weather yesterday, it was bound to happen. For Five Hours no matter what I did sleep had escaped me. By 3:45 I was sitting in my recliner in hopes of getting some sleep. It felt like I blinked my eyes, but the Clock across the room showed it was 6:50 and it felt wonderful. I slipped back in bed only to have the same problem as before, for the next Hour. It was just past 9:00 when I finally got up, having gotten a total of Four Hours of sleep for the night.

I’ve done such a good job of wearing down our food supply, there wasn’t enough Bread or Milk for a normal breakfast this morning. Instead, we enjoyed Yogurt Cups and Trail Bars for our meal.

Of course, we had our Coffees at the Computers. Kathy ordered something last Saturday, but when I tried to “Track” it there was no Link. Since it is coming from the US, we’ll just keep checking.

For lunch, there was still a Store-Bought Thin-Crust Medium Hawaiian Pizza in the Freezer, that we shared. Now our Shopping List was really complete. Where can Two People share a meal for $3.49, that’s ready to serve in 13 Minutes?

With the kitchen all cleaned up, we were headed out the door. It was nice seeing the Sun after a full day of Rain and the 43 F (6 C) temperature felt nice as well.

Our first stop was the Dollarama store to get some Juice and Brisk Iced Tea. Next, we headed over to the Zehr’s grocery store. The place was packed! Since we don’t receive any Grocery Flyers, we did not know about all the Bargains they were offering on everyday items most people need. We lucked out because some of those Bargains were on our List. There were actually Five Cashiers open to ease the long line at the Self-Checkout. It still made a dent in our Chequing Account.

Not wanting anything Frozen to thaw, we headed straight for home. Our Folding Two Wheel Shopping Cart was groaning from the load we had to bring upstairs.

It took nearly a Half Hour to get it all put away, so when I sat down after all that Fresh Air, Walking exercise and Lack of Sleep my eyes started getting heavy. Immediately I got up to get supper ready, because I didn’t want to nap during the day and not sleep tonight.

The Weather Guesser did not give us a promising forecast on the 6 o’clock Local News. The next Two Days will just creep above the Freezing Mark, but not the other Five and all Seven will be Wet or White.

We watched a Hallmark Christmas Movie for entertainment.

Tomorrow will be a Special Day in more ways than one.

To all our Family, Friends and Readers, we want to wish you a Safe, Happy New Year’s Eve.

Remember, if you have Alcoholic Drinks, Please Don’t Drive. The Life you save could be your own. We want everyone to arrive, wherever they are going.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


You Might Be a Redneck If

Your favorite restaurant also has a truck wash.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Patience Paying Off and Jumanji.

Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

Last night I had trouble sleeping but didn’t get up until this morning. The problem was I was Cold and that was because with warmer outdoor temperatures, Kathy was Hot. When she is sleeping and feels Hot, she gathers all the bedding to cuddle. Luckily, I was able to get recovered within an Hour gently pulling a bit at a time. It took another Hour for my Feet to warm enough for me to fall asleep.

Just as the Weather Guessers had forecasted it was Raining when we opened the Balcony Blinds this morning and didn’t stop the entire day. The temperature was supposed to hit 54 F (12 C) this afternoon, but we were comfortable staying inside.

We enjoyed Over Easy Eggs on Toast for breakfast, before taking our Peppermint Teas over to our Computers. There were a number of things to get caught up on.

After a quick lunch we both enjoyed an Epson Salts Foot Baths. Kathy has had a problem with her left foot since helping our grandsons make a Sandcastle at the Beach in 2009. She simply stuck her foot in the water that ended up with the removal of her Toenail. Since that time, we had to continually trim it back, but today that special attention might be coming to an end, with the Nail starting to grow as it should. Due to my limited ability to tend to my own feet after my Surgery, Kathy had to help me out.

I am still trying to hone my cooking skills, along with using what we have on hand. We had Perogies with Thick Sliced Maple Bacon and Mediterranean Style Corn Mix. When it came to dessert, we each had Two Slices of Fruitcake that we received as a Christmas Gift. It was that good.

We hadn’t even finished eating when the movie “Jumanji” (2017) came on. A lot different than the original, but it kept us on the edge of our seats.

We’ll be getting out tomorrow.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


One friend said to another, “Where were you born?”

The other friend answered, “The United States.”

The first one said, “Which part?”

The other answered, “My whole body.”

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Making Things Count.

Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

This is really getting to us. One night we sleep like rocks, then the next I’m up and down disturbing Kathy’s sleep. At least I spent Eight Hours in bed, even if I wasn’t sleeping. I think it was yesterday’s nap that messed me up.

The sky was full of Clouds when I opened the Balcony Blinds this morning. I turned the Computers on, then went to get things ready for breakfast. I was just about to walk out of the kitchen when Kathy was getting out of bed. We enjoyed having Cereal for breakfast again, with Coffee at the Computers. Within minutes we were being blinded when the Sun started finding holes in the Clouds. It made it 54 F (12 C) today but tomorrow will be a very wet day.

We took our time reading for a bit, but then I had to start moving things around. I had to get the Gym Bag down so that I would go through its contents this afternoon.

Lunch was the last of the Take Home, that we brought with us from our Family Christmas Celebration on Thursday. Keeping it simple, we made Brisket Sandwiches along with warmed up Potato/Cheddar Casserole, before sharing the last Four Sugar Cookies for dessert.

We immediately did the Dishes though they could have waited until later. By doing them after lunch ensures that my Hands are very clean to do the Pill Doucettes with. Kathy says the Dishes are too hot to handle, but I know they are as clean as my Hands.

The Pharmaceutical Companies are making it hard for people like me that does our own Doucettes. Most Pills, Capsules and Tablets are dispensed in Vials or Bottles. Now they are sealing them on Perforated Sheets as well. That caused a problem when it came to the ones that need to be cut in Half. Luckily, because I do Six Weeks worth of Doucettes at a time, it saves time in the long run. What also takes time, is using the old medications first, then using the new to finish up, then counting the extra and adding them to the new Vial. By marking the number of Pills on the Vial with a Sharpie, it allows me to keep track and never run out when they are needed. By 4:00 I had everything filled, recorded and put away until the next time.

For supper we enjoyed Cheddar/Tomato Soup, along with a slice of Fruit Cake for dessert.

We were supposed to go to our daughter-in-law Jen’s tomorrow, but she texted a change of Plans. Both Haigan and his mother are down with the Flu, and she doesn’t want to share. We’ll try to get together later this week.

We finally watched a Hallmark Movie to finish our evening.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Words of Inspiration

Reading is equivalent to thinking with someone else's head instead of with one's own.

Arthur Schopenhauer, German Philosopher

Friday, December 27, 2024

More Errands, Some Pain and Relaxing.

Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

After a wonderful day of fun and games with Family, we were so tired that we slept like a couple of rocks and woke up feeling refreshed. Though Kathy was well rested, she woke up with a cold hand due to her sleeping with it out of the covers all night.

For breakfast we finished off the Fruit Salad and some of the Pastries that we brought home last night. We also enjoyed a small pile of Marshmallows in our Hot Chocolates that we took to the Computers.

After opening our Medication Spreadsheet I had to make a few calls. The other day when we picked up Kathy’s Prescriptions, there were Three that were out of stock, but I was assured that they would be in for the weekend. When I called at 9:30 their delivery guy was just walking in.

We’ve been tracking a Package for Kathy, for weeks. When I checked at 10:00 it was still showing “Being Shipped”, that’s not even “Out for Delivery”. 10:30 Guardian Storage called to say our Package had been delivered.

We made Ham Sandwiches along with a side Roasted Veggies from last night’s take homes. We had a couple more Pastries for dessert before heading out.

Our first stop was Health First Pharmacy where I was greeted with a smile and fast service.

Next we went to Guardian Storage where there was no new Mail to get but our Package was there.

It’s that time of month for Seniors in Canada, when our Canada Pensions are put in our Credit Union accounts. When we asked if they had been made, the Teller said, “Due to Christmas Holidays, they had been deposited on the 20th of the month”. We did our customary payments and transactions, but it seemed the Computer was causing problems, so that meant more standing in one place then I can take. (I’ve mentioned before how Walking, Sitting, Sleeping does not bother my Hip/Leg like Standing.)

We made a quick stop at the Bank to spread our eggs around before heading for home.

In the Apartment, I had to sit down to ease the Pain in my Hip. It’s been a while since I felt that, so while I was catching up on my Blog reading my eyes closed on me for good Half Hour. When they opened again the Pain was gone.

Suddenly I felt hungry, so we shared a Store-Bought Thin-Crust Medium Spinach Pizza for supper.

On the 6 o’clock Local News, it seems that there will be a Federal Election in the New Year. We’ll also see a few more Warmer/Wet days, before things Freeze up again.

We found a Three Hour Movie to watch this evening.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


The minute a man is convinced that he is interesting, he isn't.

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Family Celebration.

Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

After getting to bed after midnight, it was a good thing we slept until nearly 9:00 this morning. It gave us the chance to catch up on the sleep we didn’t get through the night.

We settled for Cereal for breakfast with Peppermint Tea at the Computers. Glad to read that everyone could celebrate Christmas in their own way.

With Plans for another outing this afternoon we settled for Chicken Noodle Soup for lunch.

Since we use the Car mostly running errands around the area, we thought it wise to give the Truck some exercise today.

Our first stop was at Shoppers Drug Mart, so I could take advantage of the Seniors Discount Day on Vitamins, for when I next do our Pill Doucettes.

From there we headed south on Lauzon Road headed for the Expressway. It was nice that the Road Construction has been finished until next Spring.

The Truck ran smoothly without hesitation all the way through the town of LaSalle, then on to Amherstburg and our son Kevin and daughter-in-law Melissa’s house. Glad we parked on the road, leaving room in the driveway for all the other Cars that would be arriving soon afterwards. Kevin always sets up his Garage for these Family Gatherings.

It wasn’t long before the rest of the gang started arriving. Then the covered over workbenches became a Buffet Serving Table. Nobody went home hungry as a fact most had brought Containers to share the leftovers for coming lunches. Then the desserts came out.

We had all brought our Coins so we could play the game “Left, Right, Center”. Everyone starts by putting a coin in the Center while having three in front of them. When you first start you roll Three Special Dice marked L, R, C and Dots. For each letter you roll, you have to contribute a coin to the person to your Left, Right or Center. Any coins put in the Center (Pot) become inactive. You only roll the number of dice equal to the number of coins you have remaining. The fun is when there are Fourteen People playing and people that have lost all there coins are suddenly back in the game. The Last Person with any coins wins the Center (Pot). One game could take an Hour to play.

Then our daughter Karen found a game for everyone to get Gift Bags they can’t look inside. Once everyone has a Bag they roll a regular dice with the number according to a chart, determines whether all the Bags are moved around the table to the Right, Left, Exchange with someone else, even though the Bags are still unopened, or it could say to open your Gift at which time you are done. With a predetermined number of times the dice will go around the table, is when the remaining players open their Gifts. As a reprieve some bartering can take place to exchange the gifts among the players.

After lots of Laughter, Pictures and Hugs, it was time to head for home. It was nearly 9:00 when the Truck was pointed back towards Windsor.

It was another wonderful day celebrating the Christmas Holiday with Family.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


You Might Be a Redneck If

You've wrapped a Christmas present with aluminum foil.

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Unfortunately, Fortunately and A Merry Christmas.

Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

We were Fortunate enough that we decided to open our gifts to one another last night. We both were spot on as to what would make the other happy. From there we headed off to bed before a very important day.

Unfortunately, I had to set the Alarm so we wouldn’t sleep too late, if we had a restless night. Fortunately, that was the perfect decision to make. My Recliner and I spent a few Hours together, which helped me go back to bed to sleep. Unfortunately, when I have a rough night, Kathy doesn’t sleep too well either. Fortunately, setting the Alarm paid off, or we would have slept very late.

We simply washed down our morning medication with a glass of Juice, before getting ready to leave.

Friends and Family have been asking me if I got a new Phone Number and the answer is No. Before we got out the door, our son Kevin called to wish us a Merry Christmas, but the display showed our daughter Karen’s name and number. It was a short conversation, because they knew we were heading out. When they hung up, it showed Kevin’s name and number. ?????

We headed over to our daughter Karen’s house in Tecumseh to share a Christmas Brunch with the Family. Greg’s mom Rose was there along with all the kids though Tyler had to leave to see his sweetie. After enjoying a wonderful meal, we were talking about features on our Phones and Karen again addressed the different number showing up when I called. Zech found the answer to part of the mystery. When we changed our Phone Carrier to Freedom Mobile, they issued another number to my account that shows up any time I make calls or text someone. They can still reach us by simply dialing our old numbers. Now we just need to figure out why it was showing Kevin instead of Karen. ???

We were home by 2:00 and spent some of the afternoon on our Computers. Around 3:00 I started making the Fruit Salad, that we’ll be bringing to our Family Celebration. By making it the day before, the flavours meld together, making it taste better.

It was past 6:30 when we sat down to have Sauteed Brussels Sprout, Zucchini, Potato Slices and Honey Garlic Spare Ribs for supper. We also cleaned up the Leftover Blueberry Frozen Yogurt for dessert.

Though a Football Game delayed the start of our movie, Harry Potter still had us on the edges of our seats.
We hope all our readers were able to celebrate this magical day.
Merry Christmas.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


What do you call a warm snowman?


Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Busy Christmas Eve.

Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

Neither of us had a perfect night’s sleep, but when we got out of bed this morning, we felt refreshed.

I had the chance to talk with my sister Anna in London this morning. It seems having medical problems runs in the family, but we still push ourselves to keep going. We’ll try to get a road trip in this year.

There were only traces of last night’s flurries, visible this morning, but the Clouds would fill the sky for the entire day. The temperature would hoover on both sides of the Freezing Mark but with only a light breeze it was actually comfortable outside.

After making a call, we were soon headed off to Health First Pharmacy to pick up Kathy’s prescriptions that I called in yesterday. On the way we kept seeing the Postal Workers out delivering the home Mail. After being “On Strike” for a Month, they were going to be busy getting things delivered.

With that in mind as soon as we had the Prescriptions we headed over to Guardian Storage to see if we had any Mail. We hit the jackpot. The Mailbox was stuffed so much we had to use a Shopping Bag to carry it all.

It was already past 12:30 so we stopped at the newly renovated Taco Bell for lunch. Times have changed, prices have gone up and portions gone down, but we were satisfied.

We made a quick stop at the Bulk Barn to pick up a few healthy snacks. It definitely is not cheap eating healthy these days.

Kathy could not believe how much traffic there was today, having forgotten that it was Christmas Eve. With the traffic on Tecumseh Road at a standstill, we cut through the Walmart parking lot and were home in Ten Minutes.

We weren’t really hungry this evening, so we settled for Macaroni and Cheese for supper around 7:00. We later watched the finale of a Hallmark Christmas Mini-Series.

Kathy and I would like to wish all our Family, Friends and Readers a very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, or however you call this special day, that is recognized around the world. May you spend the day with those you love.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Words of Inspiration

I'm the big buck of this lick. If any of you want to try it, come on and whet your horns.

Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of the United States of America.

Monday, December 23, 2024

Early Calls, Packing Up and Birthday Visit.

Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

Another so-so night’s sleep last night, but at least Kathy wasn’t disturbed. As a fact I had already gotten things ready to cook for breakfast, before getting on the phone with Health First Pharmacy. I had Planned on calling them on Saturday but got sidetracked until they were closed. Since our Family Doctor’s Office is closed for the Holidays, they have to get the renewals in today.

Then I started warming the frying pan before opening the Bedroom Blinds and pulling the Blankets off Kathy’s head, to wake her up. It seemed she held off until I Kissed her on the forehead before opening her eyes with a smile. We both enjoyed our Banana Pancake we had for breakfast.

There was plenty to read this morning between Blogs, News and Messaging. At least the Package we have been tracking has moved on even though the Map is still showing it in Saskatchewan.

Commenters keep asking what I got for Kathy for Christmas. The answer is the same thing she got for me, Love and Appreciation.

Our daughter Karen called to verify a few things for Wednesday. Then she called back wondering why my Phone was showing up with a different Area Code. We use our Phones as Phones only. Kathy does not Text and I rarely do with our kids. Could it be that I’ve been Hacked, or could she be looking at her brother-in-law’s number, who has the same name? We’ll check it out on Wednesday.

We suddenly realized it was past noon, so chose to share a Store-Bought Thin-Crust Medium Chicken Pizza.

Besides other things this afternoon, we used some of our larger Shopping Bags to pack the smaller Christmas Gifts into by the Family’s. One of those Bags followed us out the door today.

It was Raining when we left, so I ran between the drops and picked Kathy up at the back door.

We headed to our daughter Rose’s home for a couple of reasons. First, today is Rose’s Birthday. Second, our granddaughter Maryam and grandson D.J. figured out as soon as they saw us walk in with that Big Shopping Bag. Even Manuf our son-in-law was happy to see us. He made me jealous though, having just returned from the Gym. We enjoyed our visit and will visit more often in the future. With all our Doctor’s Appointments this past year, we didn’t visit too often.

As we were getting ready to head for home, we looked outside to see the landscape had suddenly turned White. It was a slow drive along the riverfront, though the City Trucks were out dealing with keeping the roads clear. It turned out to be more of a Slush by the time we parked the Car.

We’ve got things to do tomorrow and this should all disappear letting everything turn Green/Brown again.

In case I don’t post early enough tomorrow night, “Merry Christmas”.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Where does a snowman keep his money?

In a snowbank!