
Friday, June 30, 2023

Error and Special Celebration.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

After accomplishing the Fifteen Foot Feedscrew on Thursday, Mile asked that I come in early today. The reason was to accomplishing its twin, even if there were delays.

Everything was running smoothly until I went to line up the Torch to begin welding. Suddenly an Oscillation Error appears telling me the Torch was beyond its limit. After many failed adjustments, the only thing I could try was to shut the entire system down. Giving it time to wake up, it would take Three such shut downs, before the Error notice disappeared. Mile couldn’t believe how I tricked it.

The game was not over though because the PTA Computer still wanted to have some control. The measurement for the Oscillation Beam begins from the Left. The Readout showed the Torch was Eight Inches from the Left, when it was only an Inch away.

Luckily when I finally hit the “Begin to Weld” button every drop of Hard Surfacing Material went where it was supposed to, with very little adjustments. I would finish burying the Screw in the Sandbox, just as the Buzzer for lunch went off.

When I called Kathy, I could sense that she was smiling. When she got up this morning she found a little Surprise that I had left for her.

I was in the process of setting up the next Feedscrew to be welded, when Mile came around to tell me, we are off on Monday. Since Canada Day, July 1st this year, falls on Saturday, (tomorrow) many businesses, especially manufacturers will have Monday off. That means we go back to work on July 4th. It will work better with our US Customers.

With the High Humidex of 104 F (40 C) and most of the jobs completed everyone, including Mile started leaving early. Since I had started early, I still worked over Eight Hours and left at 3:00.

I picked up a couple of Pineapple Mango Smoothies on my way home. Kathy enjoy every drop. It helped me cool down before heading for a shower.

It was after 5:00, when we headed out the door. We used the AC in the Car to keep cool. We headed out to the Branch 594 Canadian Legion. We were helping to support the Veterans by buying Fish and Chips, along with Celebrating. It was Twenty-Two Years ago that Kathy and I were married. We’ve both endured hardships in our lives but together, we can conquer them all. It was a Wonderful Wedding Anniversary.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Words of Inspiration

You are the one that possesses the keys to your being. You carry the passport to your own happiness.

Diane Von Furstenberg, Belgian Fashion Designer.

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Special Night For Two Grandsons and A Nephew.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

Sorry for not getting back to you last night, but after starting my work day before 5:00 in the morning, as soon as we got in the door last night, I headed straight to bed while Kathy made up my lunch for today.

On Wednesday I started the Burners at 4:43 so that I could complete the New Feedscrew before leaving at Noon. It felt good taking a Snap before having an early shower.

The only way to get a picture,
was by looking towards the Sun.
It was barely
3:00 when we headed out the door. We headed to our daughter Rose’s home, where we picked up our grandson D.J. to head over to the Capital Theater. Everyone had been told to be there by 4:00 but that was the Graduates only. It’s been ages since we went to the downtown district and things have really changed. When we were finally allowed inside it felt good just to be able to sit. Kathy was having breathing issues that were amplified by the Wildfire Smoke that is affecting most of North America.

It was past 6:30 when the Graduation Ceremony was over and we brought Darius back home, but we couldn’t stay because the night was just getting started for us.

There he is.

We headed out to the Atlas Tubing Arena in Lakeshore where the Graduation Ceremony for our grandson Connor had already started. I dropped Kathy off near the door before parking the Car by the Soccer Field. It was a Half Mile Walk because only the front doors were available for entering. The Pain in my Hip was beyond Extreme by the time I got inside. The Officer asked if I needed help.

By that time the closet we could get was up in the Balcony because this was a joint ceremony for Five Area High-Schools. Jen our daughter-in-law came up to talk with us, but with the Pain Level rising Connor joined us for a few pictures before we made an early departure. Kathy retrieved the Car before we headed off to another location.

Smoke hiding the Sun.

We also have a nephew who was graduating from High School yesterday. When we arrived at their home, Liam and his mother Christine had not gotten back from the Ceremony yet, so we left his gift with Steven.

It was past 9:30 when we stopped at Wendy’s to have a burger for a very late supper.

Two Handed Veggie Wrap.

Today Thursday, I welded an Identical Feedscrew as to what I did yesterday. The beauty of that happening, is that I still had all the Numerical Information loaded in the PTA Spreadsheet, which saved a lot of time. With all that saved time, I managed to get another job set up for tomorrow, which is another Special Day for us.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


What is a tornado’s favourite game to play?


Tuesday, June 27, 2023

One Down and More Wildfire Smoke.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

Other than a very lite Rain as I drove to work, the ride was uneventful.

I had a similar event at work, when I simply dug the Rebuild Feedscrew out of the Sandbox and set it up to weld. When Mile saw me moving it with the Crane, he turned around to check on other pressing issues. I had hoped that it could be completed with another single Pass but it came up short. When the second Pass was applied, there was no argument as to whether there was enough material. It was in the Sandbox shortly after noon.

Even though I worked through my morning break, I was able to sit down and enjoy my lunch. Due to an Alarm on one of the Lathes going off, I had to go outside to call Kathy. She was just getting ready to go out for a walk around the grocery store. She does that so she can use the Shopping Cart to hold onto for stability. I had to cut the call short, when the Rain started pouring again.

One of the Raw Shafts brought in last week had already been channelled and placed on the Rack for me to weld on the PTA. When I could not find the Blueprint for it, I simply went to the CNC Mill. There was an Identical Shaft also being channelled, so they still had the Print. I didn’t need it for long, just enough to verify the numbers to be put in the PTA Spreadsheet. With the Screw mounted I ran a Test and it worked perfectly.

When I looked at the Clock I was surprised to see it was near the end of the shift. If there is one thing I hate to do, is to have to reheat these more than once. Since I have to leave early tomorrow, I told Mile I would start early to make certain it’s finished before I leave. He was happy.

With all the Road Construction happening around the city, I tried a different route coming home this evening. It shaved Fifteen Minutes off my home commute.

We talked for a bit than Kathy was asking me what we were having for supper. I didn’t realize that my eyes had closed for nearly an Hour.

Looking out the Balcony Door we thought the area was being hit with Fog since the temperature was dropping. According to the 6 o’clock Local News it is more smoke from the Wildfires in Quebec being blown our way.

Store-Bought Thin-Crust Chicken Pizza for supper.

I’ll try to write a post tomorrow, but if not, stay tuned and I’ll fill you in on what happens.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


You Might Be a Redneck If

Your parakeet knows the phrase "Open up, Police!"