
Friday, September 30, 2022

Rushed Start, Worked For An AXXhole and Broken Hip.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

After waking up and realizing that it was a Half Hour later then I’ve been getting up it did not take long to be dressed and out the door. This is where having everything ready the night before helps save time. Breakfast was simply a pastry but it did the trick.

I was surprised at the lack of traffic for that time of the morning but maybe everyone else had slept in as well. To say I was glad there were no Radar set up would be an understatement.

Still managing to have my Coveralls on before 6:00 Mile did not realize that I was scrambling.

Getting the usual touch ups done with time to spare I was able to mount the next Feedscrew that needed rebuilding in the PTA before 7:00. By 8:00 I had already started the welding process and was happy that my calculations are getting more accurate for programming the Computer.

It was close to 9:30 when I could hear commotion on the other side of the Welding Screens that are used to protect others in the plant from that Arc Rays caused by the welding. It was Mile driving the Forklift with a Contracted Electrician in an approved Lifting Basket. They removed all the high power consuming Mercury Lights and replaced them with new LED Shop Lights.

It wasn’t until the Electrician was finished that he said to me “I’m glad to see you got out of that other SXXXhole.” That’s when I recognized Mike who had done jobs for Paul and had even threatened Kharen.

Mile asked why he said that to me. His response was that I had worked for an AXXhole. I responded an Alcoholic. Mile looked at me and said that’s what I said at my interview when I would not say the name of the Company. According to Mike he was there for different jobs this year to see New Welders not even last a couple of Hours.

It took until after 1:00 before I finished the rebuild and had it buried in the Sandbox. The rest of the afternoon was more touch ups and being shown which jobs I need to start on Monday.

When I got home Kathy informed me that our good friend Kathie had fallen today and broke her hip. That will take time for her to heal.

The weather had been perfect for Kathy to have the Window and Door open today. Our entire weekend should be like that giving me the chance to finish sealing the Trailer Roof.

For supper I made a Stir-Fry that we enjoyed as Veggie Wraps along with a piece of Chocolate Cake for dessert.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Words of Inspiration

Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or experience that reveals the human spirit.

E.E. Cummings, American painter and author

Thursday, September 29, 2022

No Sense, Delivering A Birthday Gift and Hurricane Horrors.


Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

Even though I started at 6:00 it would be after 8:00 before I started welding a Left-Handed Feedscrew on the Plasma Transfer Arc this morning. With no Blueprint to get the measurements to enter on the Computer I used the information that was right in front of me the Feedscrew.

Alec had taught me that by using my Tape Measure I could find the different spacings between the Flights. When that happens it creates another Zone so this job had Two Zones. Then using the spacing between the Flights and the Diameter of the Screw you end up with numbers that will get you started. Once the welding begins you can adjust those numbers until you will only have to make minor adjustments on the controls.

Everyone in the Plant is waiting to get their hands on this Job but they all have to wait for me. Each pass deposits roughly Sixty-Five Thousands of an Inch of material so it took Three Passes and Seven Hours to accomplish this task.

When I was returning the Micrometer to the Cabinet I noticed another job in the OD Grinder. Kaliv said Mile told him that he had to grind it down so I could add more material. That made no sense whatsoever. He told me then you talk to Mile.

When I did he thought by grinding it down would be easier for me. When I explained he was wasting time, material and giving me a bigger job then necessary he listened closely. Instead of welding a single pass it would take three. Now Kaliv doesn’t have to grind the job that I’ll be welding tomorrow.

The sky started to clear after I left work.

I talked with Kathy before heading to Motor City Community Credit Union to do some banking.

Today's high temperature.

Earlier Kathy had gone to Walmart to exchange the Birthday Gift that was too small for Maryam. She then drove over to deliver it to Maryam herself. She wasn’t interested in the clothes but the added gift that Kathy brought never left her hands.

We had Banana Pancakes for supper for the same reasons as last night.

We’ve watched the News in horror at the destruction in Florida from the Deadly Hurricane. We have been to all the towns that were severely hit and have lots of Friends that live in those areas.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


You know you’re getting old when you no longer think of speed limits as a challenge.

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Getting Things Done.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

I’m certain that many are getting tired of me talking about Work. That is something many of us got away from so we could follow our dreams of travelling round bringing our portable homes with us and never worrying about the furnishings we’d have for the next night. Unfortunately life sometimes throws a speed bump our way so we do what is needed to get back on track.

This morning when I went in early the Ten Inch Diameter Feedscrew was already on the Inspection Bench located next to the TIG Welder. There were approximately a dozen Pin Holes that needed filling. It took Five Minutes to set up. Five Minutes to do the job and another Four Minutes to put everything away.

After delivering Two of the Feedscrews that had cooled down in the Sandbox to the Finishing Area it was time to go back to the job that had turned into a Nightmare for me yesterday. I was already adding more weld to the unit when the 7:00 buzzer went off. Knowing that I was still having problems with the Rotary Stepover process Mile again wanted me to call Ted in Indiana for advice. Luckily things were working well when he looked in so he forgot about that idea. Besides Alec will be back next Monday so he’ll straighten me out.

The Unit still needed a second layer of metal to bring it up to the size required for Machining. Instead of adding more small passes I increased the Amperage, added less Powder and increased the width of the Dwell and Stepover. The effect was a Wash. Most Welders have used this practice a few times throughout their careers. That brought down the high spots and filled in the low making everything look uniform. I finished just on time for Jovoh to say “Nice Job”.

I’ve been having a lot of discomfort from my new Denture so the first thing I did on my lunch break was to book an appointment for Monday. Then I briefly spoke with Kathy. The Water had been shut off in our building so she was out walking around Walmart for exercise.

There were more Touch-Ups to finish off the afternoon. The Machinists wanted me to work on a number of different Feedscrews but Paul the Controller pointed to one that is “Past Due”. Guess which one will be in the PTA tomorrow morning.

Today's High.

I was out the door by 3:32 and part of the Rush Hour traffic. Being a weekday there were a number of stops due to School Buses bring the children home from School.

We had more Bananas needing to be used and with my Teeth bothering me Banana Pancakes made for a perfect supper.

Looks like we are forecasted for a dry weekend which means I can finish resealing the Roof on the Trailer. Better safe than sorry.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


You Might Be a Redneck If

You had to remove a toothpick for wedding pictures.

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Good Morning, Frustrating Afternoon and Lots Of Traffic.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

By starting work an Hour early helps me to accomplish Touch-Ups and Repairs that the Machinists are waiting to work on. By 7:00 I had already done Three Repairs plus I reloaded the Feedscrew that I had started building the Flights on yesterday. Just as I was about to sign off Mile requested I add another Hundred Thousands of material to it. That added an additional Two Hours on the time as well but it was a Good Morning.

I actually had the chance to call Kathy on my lunch break. She was waiting for Mary from Healthy Heals to arrive and since the Downstairs Intercom would call her phone we didn’t talk long.

I was about to do another quick repair when Mile thought it better that I weld the Spline Section on a smaller Feedscrew. This one has been done before but somehow the Material I added was not what the Label on the bottle said it was and could not be machined. So they ground it all off and wanted me to weld that section again.

I’ve mentioned how the Plasma Transfer Arc Welder has Anode Switches and Dials along with a Computerized Touch Screen. For some strange reason it works fine when doing the Flights which is actually harder then welding Bearing Surfaces, Shanks or Splines but when it is set to do any of those it decides to change the direction of its travel with no warning. This afternoon was no different.

Something that should have taken Two Hours tops was less then half completed when I packed it in for the day. When the Powder started spraying everywhere but its intended location I knew it was better that I not take out my frustrations on the Machine. It was 4:32 when I punched out.

I drove the Truck through Rush-Hour Traffic to meet Kathy downstairs in the Car for 5:00. Then we drove back across town taking the Expressway. The Traffic going the opposite way was crawling along. We arrived with a Minute to spare for our 5:30 appointment. Kathy was glad that she wasn’t driving.

Our appointment was with Julia at Fantastic Sam’s to get our hair cut. It was a way of getting rid of our stress while making ourselves more presentable.

It was past 6:00 when we left so we went to Harvey’s where we used Coupons for our supper. We were both overly hungry so the little we did eat helped us to feel better.

Our Showers felt wonderful but we have some prep work to do tonight because the Contractors will be shutting the Water off in the building for a few Hours tomorrow.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


What do you do if you’re attacked by clowns?

Go for the juggler.

Monday, September 26, 2022

Continual Touch-Ups, Rebuilds and Good Timing.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

By 7:00 this morning I’d already repaired Two smaller Feedscrews and was busy setting up a Third in the Plasma Transfer Arc Welder. It felt strange that the Overhead Doors were actually being kept closed today. Minutes before I was about to turn on the Burners I had Two more Feedscrews waiting for my delicate touch. I was just about finished the second batch of touch-ups when one of the Polishers got carried away on my first job of the day. Oops!

I actually had time to sit for my first break while snacking and filling out the job sheet so the Book-Keeper would know which jobs to charge for my time. It was another hour before I’d completed all the Touch-Ups and some were already being packaged for shipment to the Costumers.

Back to the PTA the Burner was doing Two Jobs at once. The first being preheating the Feedscrew and the second melting the Plastic Residue that had not been cleaned off. The welding started just before Noon and finished by 3:30. Because this was a Rebuild you could not just set the Machine to do the work and walk away. It required constant adjustments on the Numbers and keeping it on track using the Anode Controllers. By the time it was packed away in the Sandbox for the night and Mile showed me a couple more touch-ups he wanted me to work on in the morning it was 4:02 before I punched out.

It started Raining when I got home.

Having worked through my Lunch Break and simply snacking while keeping the job going I didn’t have the chance to call Kathy. Using the Hands-Free feature in the Truck I let her know that I was still alive and on my way home.

For supper we finished the Leftover Stir-Fry as Veggie Wraps along with Chocolate Pudding Cups for dessert.

A little Windy.

We receive advanced Notices every time the Contractors in the building might be shutting off the Water, Power or Elevators. We received one saying the Water would be off temporarily on Wednesday which also happened to be the day for Mary from Healthy Heals to come over. Just after the News Mary called wondering if Kathy would mind her coming a day early. That was Good Timing.

Since scrubbing on the Trailer on Saturday Kathy has been paying for it in the form of Body Pain. Even though it is much cooler outside having a warm shower at the end of the day makes us feel alive again.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Words of Inspiration

Never be afraid to sit a while and think.

Lorraine Hansberry, African-American Female Author

Sunday, September 25, 2022

For My Own Good, Mostly Wet and EcoTank Printer.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

After working hard on the Trailer yesterday we were both feeling tired. Kathy was aching after exerting muscles she hadn’t used in a while. She was in bed before I had the Blog published. My aches were also from muscles that I had not used in some time. For Kathy the remedy was an Extra Strength Tylenol. I opted to set the Alarm for 6:00 instead.

Having peeked outside before leaving I was wearing my Raincoat to keep dry. Just in case I took the Truck so Kathy would have the Car to use if needed.

I seemed to have an issue getting out of bed but after a Two Week absence getting back to Planet Fitness felt good. I just slowed down the speed at which I went through my Free-Weight Exercises and managed to complete my full Three Sets.

Back at the Apartment Kathy was just bringing her Tea to her Computer when I walked in. Even though the forecast called for Showers most of the day it just appeared Cloudy most of the day.

I started around 11:00 chopping Carrots, Celery, Mushrooms, Onions and Peppers. As I cleaned each vegetable it was immediately put into the Wok. We prefer ours slow simmered slightly more than Al-Dente when adding them to our Veggie Wraps. It was 12:30 when we sat down for lunch along with a slice of Lemon Meringue Pie for a dessert.

It was shortly after 1:00 when we headed out the door. The Drizzle had stopped but we still brought our Raincoats along for the ride. Our destination was Staples. We had arrived too late last evening yesterday so today we were back.

We’ve been having issues with our HP Printer. This is the one we purchased in 2011 and carried it with us in the Trailer in case we needed to print out something special. One thing I dislike about HP Printers is they run test pages every time you change the Cartridges and the Cost of the Ink Cartridges is high. Another thing is the Rear Paper Feeder tends to jam all the time. We never had that issue with any of the Printers we had with the designated paper drawer.

We needed a Colour and Black Cartridge which combined would cost over a Hundred Dollars. I’ve researched the Epson EcoTank Printers and from what I have read the Ink Bottles are less expensive and last a lot longer. We also got the Extended Warranty which takes away lots of worries.

We also headed to the Pioneer gas station to top of the Car with Gasoline. Rumour has it that Prices are supposed to go up tomorrow.

Even though it was only 3:00 in the afternoon we stopped at Taco Bell for our supper. We haven’t been there much since the start of the Coronavirus and it looks like it could be a while before we return. The food was good but the prices have really jumped.

From there we stopped at the Zehr’s grocery store for a few supplies. 

After getting back to the Apartment it did not take long to get the new Printer set up and the Ink filled. It does a great job printing but I’m trying to make it work wirelessly. For now it works fine but everyone wants better.

The Rain looked like Fog.

Just before the 6 o’clock Local News started it started to Rain so hard it sounded like an Airline leaking air.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


What do you get when you cross a dyslexic, an insomniac and an agnostic?

Someone who lays awake at night wondering if there is a dog.