
Thursday, May 31, 2018

Posting Yesterday’s Blog, Kathy Gets In A Cooking Mode, Laundry On A Sweltering Day and Creating Another Spreadsheet.

Our Location today is at McGregor, Ontario, Canada.

Click on the pictures to Enlarge.

After getting up early this morning to post yesterday’s Blog I still couldn’t get it to upload any Pictures. It was shortly after 8:00 when Kathy joined me downstairs and since I went straight to the Computer she had the chore of making breakfast. We managed to get a bit more reading and Attempted Commenting done before we started working on our own chores. While Kathy went to get changed I managed to create the Spreadsheet for our son Kevin that we didn’t accomplish last night. Working on your own Computer has its advantages. It only took Twenty Minutes to make and test.

Kathy doesn’t always like to cook when we are pressed for time but when she can she will cook meals that only need to be reheated for the next week. By the time I made the Bed and she was already chopping Vegetables and Meat telling me to just get my own chore done.

I try to do the Laundry every week but today was Thirteen Days. It just seemed something would come up in the last week that pushed the Laundry to the back of the line. While I sorted, treated and packed the Laundry, Kathy took a break from her cooking and made us Sandwiches for lunch.

I took the Car over to the Park Laundry Room around 1:00 because Kathy didn’t feel like going outside in the 102 F (39 C) Humidex. I had hoped that others would feel the same because of the extra washing that had to be done. With nobody else in the building I got all the Washers I needed going and was doing Cryptogram Puzzles when another Park Resident came in with the same suspicion that I’d had. By the time I was folding the Clothes from the last Dryer there were Five More People who thought that nobody else would be there.

It was nearly 5:30 when I got Home and started to bring everything in the Trailer. I needed to sit and relax in the Air Conditioning for a few minutes before doing anything else. Kathy had just finished her cooking and had our supper waiting to be heated in the Microwave.

We had Pepper Steak on Rice for supper and it really re-energized us both. Looking in the fridge it is completely full of meals Kathy had made, just waiting to be heated and served. Not wanting to sit too long as soon as we were done eating we unpacked all the Laundry and put it in its storage.

Finally getting back to the Computer the first thing I did was to locate a Free Excel Program that I’ll load on our son Kevin’s Computer along with the Spreadsheet that I created this morning. the next thing I did was try to load pictures on yesterday’s Blog with no luck.

When the Weather improves I’ll start running the new Coaxial Cable even before the fittings for the WeBoost arrive. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!
It’s about time.


The World's Great Proverbs

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

Running Around, Fun Visit and Just Couldn’t Connect.

Our Location today is at McGregor, Ontario, Canada.

Click on the pictures to Enlarge.

Wednesday’s Post:

We didn’t sleep late this morning so that we could be on our way to Windsor Gas and Diesel shortly after 9:00 to drop the Truck off for a Severe Vibration problem. The trip went smoothly (Pun Intended) with Kathy following in the Car. By the time we got there Jim and his crew were already busy working on trucks not only in the Bays but outside the doors as well. With an Honest and Reliable Reputation that they have become known for, I had suspected that leaving the Truck would be the only way it would be repaired.

With Kathy’s upcoming Cataract Surgery coming we needed to go shopping. All of Kathy’s tops are pull-overs and that is a big no-no because it could cause the Implant to become dislodged and cause other issues. After looking around Walmart we went to the Tecumseh Mall to see what was available. We visited Six Clothing Stores and finally found something suitable at a place called W49th.

Since we had a very lite breakfast and it was fast approaching noon we stopped at Wendy’s and ordered Chicken Wraps off their Value Meal Selection. Like most places if you ask they offer Free Seniors Drinks.

Back Home Kathy appreciated getting inside the Air-Conditioned Trailer where she accomplished more Bookkeeping and Data Entries. I went back outside to wash the Car off. At this time of year Birds are looking to make nests and they seem to know that Pinboxes on Fifth Wheels are a good place to do so. After experiencing our first Season of that I created a Cover to block the opening off, but they still try. When they can’t get in they leave droppings all over the front of the Car which is parked the closest leaving it far from appealing.

By the time I got back inside my Water Bottle was empty and I was soaked. Having a cold Welches Fruit Juice Icicle to cool down I needed a brief rest so I checked The Weather Network to find the Humidex was only at the Century Mark today. Kathy was still working on her Bookkeeping so I changed the bedding to the Cotton Summer Sheets before going back to the Computer. It is very Frustrating being able to read Blogs and even commenting but as soon as I hit Publish the message “This Site Can Not Be Found” appears and the message is lost.

After having more of the Corned Beef for supper we were soon on our way to Amherstburg for our weekly visit with our son Kevin and daughter-in-law Melissa. Kathy and I switched chairs today so she could be next to Melissa while Kevin and I tried to find a Free Spreadsheet Program for his Computer using their Internet. What most of those Sites call Free is for a limited time only or you can carry personal information On-Line which for myself and Kevin is not acceptable. When the Sky turned Black much too early we said our Good-Byes and headed for Home.

We only had a few drops on the windshield while heading back to Wildwood Golf and RV Park. Inside the Park there were plenty of Geese out with their Broods around the Water Hazards when we drove by. A lite rain started after we were inside along with plenty of distant Lightning.

Neither of us could get On-Line with our Computers even after using all the tricks that had worked before, nothing would work so we finally just went to Bed after midnight. Even this morning it’s tricky getting On-Line but we’ll take what we get until my Supplies come in to use our external Wilson Antenna. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!
It’s about time.


You Might Be a Redneck If

There is a trampoline in your front yard.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Running Errands, Severe Vibration and The Truck Passes Its E-Test.

Our Location today is at McGregor, Ontario, Canada.

Click on the pictures to Enlarge.

After having a restless night due to sleeping with the Windows closed and the AC running I was still up by 7:30 this morning. Opening only a few Window Shades and getting breakfast ready I even checked The Weather Network to see what kind of day we could expect. Knowing what to expect caused me to do some of my Chores that would naturally wake Kathy. She had luckily had a good night’s sleep after experiencing Two restless ones that were cause by the Warm Air and open windows.

With our lists in hand we were out the door shortly after 9:00. Our first stop was the Park Trash and Recycle Area. It seemed others had waited for the cooler morning air to do the same thing. 

Leaving the Park at that time guaranteed that the roads were free of School Busses so there were no delays. Our first stop would take us to the west-end of Windsor so instead of taking Walker Road up to the E.C. Rowe Expressway we turned off at Highway 3. This would shorten the amount of travel time and even take us onto New Roads that we had never before travelled. 

The first stop was Computers for Kids to drop off some old phones from Karen as well as ourselves. Computers for Kids was started by an Electrician that saw lots of Computers and other Electronics going into Landfills. He also realized that today’s children are required to do School Projects as well as Homework On-Line and not all families can afford them. Working with the Environmental Committee they started collecting Computers that people were no longer using because they had upgraded to a newer machine. Going before City Counsel they were given permission to install these Computers that the group had Refurbished in Community Centers so those less fortunate would not be left behind in their studies. The program was such a success that it has spread throughout the county and Corporations began donating their old Computers to this Charity. Computers and other Electronics that are not Reusable or Repairable are totally disassembled and the monies raised by this recycling process covers the cost of operation. The best part of this program is that it is done by Volunteers, does not cost the Taxpayers anything and not one bit of those Electronics ends up in the Landfill. 

Taking the Expressway back our next stop was the Wholesale Club where we can purchase Halls Cough Drops by the case. We even bring these when we go south because the ones we buy in the US just don’t keep us breathing clearly.

A couple of weeks ago when we were hauling our Belongings from our daughter’s house back to our Home in McGregor I experienced a severe Vibration in the Truck. Since Kathy was behind me in the Car she really didn’t feel how bad it was. I pulled off to be certain it wasn’t a Flat Tire but could find nothing visibly wrong. Today just as I got back on the Expressway it happened again but this time with Kathy in the Truck. She thought that we were having a Flat Tire but again after pulling over and checking everything looked good.

Our next stop was Windsor Truck Repair to get the required Emissions Test before we could get our new License Sticker for the Truck. Unlike gas powered automobiles that now have it done for free, we pay dearly for this service. Brian had just finished another Truck but when he went to do our’s his Computer wouldn’t work. After rebooting it several times he had to contact the Ministry of Transportation so they could reset it On-Line. We spent nearly an Hour and a Half waiting for a Five-Minute Test because the Computers the Government supplies for the test are constantly going down. Our Truck passed with Flying Colours. 
Ozzie giving us the good news.
After getting our Mail at Guardian Storage we stopped to add fuel to the tank at the Pioneer gas station. The prices have come down slightly but we still paid over Five Dollars a Gallon today.

It was past noon so we stopped at Taco Bell where we used a coupon and got a great lunch at a big savings. Walking across the parking lot we went to the Motor City Credit Union where we needed to reset our On-Line Password and the PIN number for Kathy’s Bank Card.

The next stop was the Service Ontario Office on the east end to get the new License Sticker for the Truck. We thought something was wrong when we only saw a few vehicles in the parking lot because it’s always packed. Inside where there was always a line out the door that would take Hours to get through there was no one. We walked up to the counter and started presenting the Emissions Test but they only needed our Ownership to bring it all up on the Computer. As soon as the Test was completed the results were uploaded to the M.O.T. Data Base. We were not even parked in their lot Five-Minutes before leaving.

We then drove back to Karen’s house in Tecumseh. When we had gathered our Food Stocks to bring back Home we had forgotten our Electric Water Kettle. Karen was home after a Doctor’s Appointment so we had a short visit with her as well as Sanford.

Not wanting to trust the Truck at Highway Speeds we took Tecumseh Road back to Windsor Gas and Diesel where I talked to Jim about the Vibration. He was swamped and we needed a way to get Home so we’ll be back in the morning.

We stopped at Zehrs to get a few things before heading back to McGregor. Like before there was no other Vibration the rest of the day. 

While Kathy got some chores finished inside while I removed the License Plate from the Truck to install the Sticker because we use License Plate Covers to protect them. They were so discoloured and scratched they had to be replaced. Since Kathy needed to return a can of Paint we went to the Home Hardware Building Center in Essex where we managed to do both chores. With the 102 F (39 C) Humidex we stopped at McDonalds for a lite supper.

Back Home Kathy continued her inside Chores while I got the License Plate reinstalled before dumping our Tanks. We don’t know how long it will take to fix the Truck tomorrow so we’ll just wait to see what else we can do. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!
It’s about time.


Words of Inspiration

Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.

William Shakespeare

Monday, May 28, 2018

Blogger Ends Open ID Support, Making Calls, Turning On The AC and Fixing Errors.

Our Location today is at McGregor, Ontario, Canada.

Click on the pictures to Enlarge.

I was up shortly after 8:00 this morning actually lowering some of the Window Shades to block out the heat the Sun was starting to generate. By the time I had things ready for breakfast Kathy was already making her way downstairs.

When we finally got to our Computers to get caught up on our morning reading it would take nearly Fifteen-Minutes just to get our E-Mail. I wasn’t able to get on The Weather Network until well after lunch but I already knew that it was supposed to be warmer then yesterday.

When I was finally able to get on to our Blog this is the message that appeared. Blogger no longer supports OpenID. Existing OpenID comments and your OpenID settings may have changed. Learn more.  Again, with all the problems we seem to be getting to connect to the Internet I wouldn’t be able to Learn more, until after lunch.

After reading it carefully it boils down to Blogger is taking away one of the last things that protected us from some of the Spam. Now we will have to be much more diligent in taking out the Trash ourselves in order not to be overrun by the idiots with nothing better to do.

After getting caught up on Phone Calls to Leisure Trailer, Electrozad, and PCOPTIMUM we started planning what we’ll be doing tomorrow. We finally had to relent around noon and turn on the Air Conditioner. We had managed to survive without it yesterday but without any kind of breeze today and a forecasted Humidex of 104 F (40 C) we finally gave in.

Lunch was cleaning up Leftovers in the fridge and making them into a fresh meal.

Kathy started getting caught up on her Bookkeeping making Data Entries on our Expenditure Spreadsheet. With the inside of the Trailer still warm she was having problems concentrating even losing some of her Entries. Since I created the Spreadsheet it was an easy fix but instead I talked her through making her own repairs which helped to boost her confidence.

For supper Kathy sautéed some Asparagus and cooked up some Perogies. It all tasted wonderful, wasn’t over filling and was Healthy.

The AC finally took a break around 9:00 for Five Minutes and hasn’t shut down since. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!
It’s about time.


Joke of the Day

My mind works like lightning.

One brilliant flash and it's gone.

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Working On Lights, Humidex Above The Century Mark and Ordered The Connectors.

Our Location today is at McGregor, Ontario, Canada.

Click on the pictures to Enlarge.

Sleeping with the Windows and Roof Vents open again last night made for pleasant sleeping weather and we both slept like a couple of rocks. I only recalled looking at the Clock once this morning and it showed it was time to get out of Bed. I’d barely gotten things ready for breakfast when Kathy came downstairs. Once we had finished our Coffees at the Computers the heat was already starting to build so by extending our Awning you could feel the inside temperature begin to drop almost instantly.

Even though I had several more failed attempts at leaving Comments this morning, I did manage an E-Mail Reply. Thinking maybe it was just a Fluke I tried locating the Site where the Couplers to connect the Wilson Antenna and the WeBoost unit we had shown. Without any Clouds in the Sky I found the site and was able to add them to a Wish List but couldn’t find where to add them to a Shopping Cart. ( is so much easier.) After spending nearly an Hour just to find a Phone Number to call within a minute the agent advised me to review each Product on my Wish List and that’s where I’d find the Shopping Cart. In two Minutes the purchase was complete.

It was already past noon and Kathy suggested that I have at least a Sandwich before going outside. That added enough to my energy level that it helped me throughout the afternoon.

The other day I had installed a few of our Solar Patio Lights and found many of those not working. Yesterday we purchased Replacement Batteries at Walmart to get them going so that was my job for today. It did surprise me that some of the Oldest Batteries we had were starting to leak but everything cleaned up nicely and those Lights are now working the way they should. There were newer Solar Patio Lights that by lightly cleaning the inside cover the Diodes broke off rendering the lamp good for parts only.

Kathy came outside wanting to clean up the Front Flower Garden but it wasn’t as easy as she thought not with the Humidex of 102 F (39 C). It took a few rests in the shade of the Gazebo where the slight breeze helped to cool her down. Around 3:00 Hugh came over to visit for a short while.

We had another helping of the Corned Beef Hash for supper along with a Date Square for dessert. After getting the Dishes cleaned and put away we were able to watch some of the Detroit News. Some of it we found quite disturbing to see how people with authority are overstepping their duties.

When I checked my E-Mail this evening I found notification of one of my morning Purchases and it showed it as a Single Piece not the Two Pieces I was led to believe would be shipped. Returning to I found the same product at Twenty Percent the cost of the first order. I was able to order Two of those with an earlier delivery date and since the first one had only been ordered and not shipped it was easily cancelled. That was so easy but I can’t make Comments.????

It was soon after that that our friend Sandy sent Kathy a message about going to Electrozad here in Windsor. I’ll be calling them tomorrow but they weren’t open yesterday when I discovered the Cable Connection Foul-Up. If they have them, we’ll be connected sooner and I’ll keep the others as a Back-Up.

We talked with both our son Kevin and our daughter Karen this evening both asking questions that needed answering. They were both surprised that we hadn’t turned the AC on yet but with a repeat of the Humidex it will probably happen tomorrow. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

No Pictures Today

Words of Inspiration

Light tomorrow with today!

Elizabeth Barrett Browning, English Poet

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Wet Day Doing Errands, Making Supper Together and An Early Start.

Our Location today is at McGregor, Ontario, Canada.

Click on the pictures to Enlarge.

We were lucky to have closed our Sliding Windows before going to Bed last night. By 8:00 this morning our Patio was being freshly cleaned thanks to the Rain that was coming down. It didn’t last too long because the Golfers never missed a stroke out on the Greens.

We managed to get some Computer reading in this morning but the Cloudy Skies seemed to be reflecting inside by putting a damper on our moods. Since there had been a number of things missed on the Shopping List that was left Home last evening we figured we could rectify that this afternoon. 

Eating according to our Activity Levels we shared a Chicken Sandwich, a small bit of Potato Chip Crumbs and even a couple of Mandarin Oranges.

Shortly after noon we were on our way to Amherstburg making our first stop at our son Kevin and daughter-in-law Melissa’s house. It was their 22nd Wedding Anniversary yesterday and they decided to go Camping just the Two of Them at Willow-Wood Park and leave their Two Teenage Boys at home. Being just Three Miles away also meant they weren’t expecting any problems with the boys. I had something that they can use on some of their Camping Trips that I left behind.

We drove to Walmart where after walking around the store and looking at prices for exercise we got the rest of the groceries we missed last night.

Next we went to Dollarama where I was certain I would be stocking up on Inexpensive Batteries for our Solar Patio Lights. Would you believe it was cheaper to buy them at Walmart?

Since Kathy hadn’t found what she was looking for at either store, she had me drop her off at the Dollar Tree while I returned to Walmart for the Batteries.

We were back Home by 2:30 and because it was still lightly Raining at that time we started working at getting things ready for supper. While Kathy boiled the Corned Beef, I was busy chopping up the Celery and Onions. Once the Corned Beef was resting Kathy started boiling the Cabbage.

I had a chance to fire up my Computer to start searching for the SMA Coupling that I had seen On-Line yesterday. I could locate the Sites but could not connect to any of them. Our MiFi would not allow me to do what was necessary.

I went back to the Cutting Board to clean up and cube the Corn Beef. Next came chopping up the Cabbage. After everything was mixed Kathy divided it in Half, some for tonight’s supper and the rest for another meal. She seasoned it before sautéing tonight’s share, it turned out perfect. We even had a Date Square and some Blackberries for dessert all gauged according to our Activity Level. 

After the Dishes were washed and put away Kathy suggested I get an early start writing our Blog, after having struggled to publish it last night. Everything was going well until I heard our neighbours Mike and Pat who are Newbie RVers at their Trailer. I wanted to be certain they knew about the Water Leak. After I showed Joe the Leak yesterday he had the Office notify them and since they didn’t have their Water Heater on and had the Water turned off. They Thanked me for my attention and will look at it more tomorrow.

Hopefully we can get On-Line tomorrow so we order the components to can get our MiFi working properly. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!
It’s about time.


You Might Be a Redneck If

You go to a nice restaurant and take pictures of the food.

Friday, May 25, 2018

Water Leak, Riding Around The Park, What Were They Thinking and Neighbours Didn’t Recognize Us.

Our Location today is at McGregor, Ontario, Canada.

Click on the pictures to Enlarge.

Sleeping past 8:00 this morning felt quite natural since we are Retired we weren’t in a rush to go anywhere. We had left all the Windows and Ceiling Vents opened but just closed the Shades overnight. At that early an hour the Heat was already starting to warm things up until I opened the Shades to allow more Air Circulation.

We enjoyed a leisurely breakfast, then took our Coffees to the Computers. This is getting to be a challenge just to get On-Line but disheartening not to be able to leave Comments. Kathy thought that she had won the lottery when she left an Anniversary Greeting to our son and daughter-in-law on Messenger this morning. She would later find out that it didn’t go through like the Comments we’ve been trying to make all week.

I was outside by 10:00 with plans that we use our Tandem Bicycle to ride around the Park but when I saw Joe one of the Owners of the Park working on a nearby Site I needed to talk to him. A short while back I mentioned to a couple Mike and Pat that had their New Mobile Suites moved onto Our Old Site. It was a couple days later when we finally spoke to find out they are Newbies when it comes to RVing and they had just purchased this 2014 Unit from a gentleman that had just lost his wife. Since they still work nobody has been at the Trailer this week and there was Water constantly dripping by the front Hydraulic Jack. When I showed Joe the Leak he agreed that someone had forgotten to winterize the Water Lines to the Washer Dryer Connections that most Fifth Wheels have today. With the Severe Winter this area had this past winter, the Water probably froze and split the line. He called the Office to notify the owners. 

Kathy and I enjoyed riding every street in the Park. We saw Russ’s new Montana and when we stopped to talk with our old neighbour Ted we saw Bob was having his Trailer evaluated as a possible Trade-in with Ed from Leisure Trailer Sales.

That ride stimulated our appetites so we chose to have an early lunch. I was in the process of grilling some All Beef Ballpark Franks when Ed asked if I had a Tape Measure he could borrow. Apparently our neighbours across the street from us needed a new Awning but didn’t know the size. I lowered the heat on the Weber while I gave Ed a hand to measure the Awning. The Franks were not burnt so after a bit more heat we enjoyed a lite but tasty lunch.

While Kathy busied herself paying her Medic Alert, the War Amps and our Canadian Snowbird dues I went back outside to start searching the Basement for the SMA Extension Cable so that I could mount our Wilson WeBoost Antenna on the roof to improve our MiFi connection. It was in the container it was supposed to be in but when I had pulled a Table out of the Basement for the Yard Sale the container got buried.

With everything I needed loaded in a shopping bag I was soon on the roof. I had planned on relocating the Antenna location but decided to leave it mounted on the RV Ladder for the time being. With the SMA Cable run along the Slide Seal I thought we were about to end our Nightmare. Unfortunately, it was only beginning! On the rear of the WeBoost is a Male Fitting for the Cable to attach. When I removed the protective cover on the end of the Cable there was a Male Fitting. Who in their right mind would do that? There should have been a Female Fitting on the Cable to attach to the WeBoost. 

I spent the next Two Hours calling every Electronic Store including some of the Big Names (Best Buy, Canadian Tire, Lowes, Home Depot, Home Hardware and The Source to name a few) trying to locate a Coupling that will connect it all together. Looks like I’ll be ordering them On-Line if I can get through.

It was past 4:30 when Kathy realized she needed more groceries to see us through the weekend and she had another Shopping List made. The closest grocery store was in Essex so that’s where we headed. As we got closer we both started feeling hungry and with this being Friday we stopped at the Essex branch of the Michigan Diner.

Our Waitress was surprised when we gave her our meal order when she came to ask about our drinks. As soon as she brought our Drinks I looked at the people just sitting down in the booth behind Kathy. It was Rick and Carol our neighbours from across the street at the Park. When they looked in my direction I waved and they looked puzzled. Then they asked if we were from the Park. They both got Red-Faced with Embarrassment for not recognizing us. Then Carol said she had never seen me without a Cap. The meal was great as usual and by ordering off the Senior’s Menu we weren’t overly full. 

When we arrived at the Essex No-Frills I noticed Kathy was going back and forth doing her shopping. That was when I found out she had forgotten the Shopping List at Home.

After getting the Food in the Car we stopped at a Mail Box before driving over to the Essex Home Hardware Building Center. Kathy needed a can of Spray Paint while I went to view their Electronics Shelves just in case they did have a SMA Double Male Coupler.

Back Home since there was a cool breeze outside we sat under our Gazebo enjoying the sounds and sights of nature. With all the Rain we have gotten lately as breeze slowed and it cooled down the Mosquitos started coming out so we headed in. 

Hopefully we’ll get those Connectors soon so we can use our Computers like we always have. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


The World's Great Proverbs

A man who is his own lawyer has a fool for his client.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

More Organizing, Setting Up and Pizza On The Grill.

Our Location today is at McGregor, Ontario, Canada.

Click on the pictures to Enlarge.

With the temperatures only going into the upper 50’s last night we only closed the Roof Vents and our Sliding Windows. When I got out of bed minutes before 8:00 I barely had time to get the Window Shades up and breakfast started when Kathy came downstairs. She hadn’t looked at the clock until she was about to have her morning Coffee. Her comment was “No wonder I still feel tired.”

That didn’t stop us from trying to get On-Line but after repeated failed attempts, that made up my mind that I had to work on the Antenna for the WeBoost today. Since we weren’t getting too far on the Computers we switched to the Telephone. We called the Windsor Eye Institute where Kathy is presently scheduled to have Cataract Surgery at the end of next month. Having it done in the Office rather then in the Hospital adds a lot to the cost. Since we both need the procedure this year we can both get it done in Hospital cheaper then only one of us in the Office. That also means saving more money for future travels. Kathy’s new appointment dates are now a week earlier.

We’ve mentioned that since we have moved back into our Home how we have been having problems finding things that were not put back in their original locations. Kathy has been going through the Closet, Dresser Drawers, the Linen Closet and the Clothing Cupboard to get them back the way they were. Today she was going through the Kitchen Counter and Appliance Garage.

Anyone who has ever owned a Home will remember taking pride in how well it looked not only inside but outside as well. At Wildwood Golf and RV Park the Seasonal RVers as well as the Park Models are allowed to dress up their Sites if they so choose. The Park also cuts the Grass on your Site at no extra charge. Remember how that Home Ownership Pride included a nice lawn. Well when the Grass Cutters mow your Site and leave uncut lines of grass in the middle, then trim the edges down to the roots, or run over the Decorative Garden Edging, destroying your hard work, you might decide to cut it yourself.

First thing I did was to find the Signs that I had made before saying “DO NOT MOW” and stuck them along the Front Flower Garden Edging. Then after piling the Mulch away from the Edging that needed to be reset I started my magic. It is amazing what a Short-Handled Sledge along with a Block of Wood will do to reshape Dirt and straighten the Edging. Fifteen Minutes later there was no sign of any damage.

Just as I dug out our Electric Lawnmower I could here the big Grass Cutting Machines off in the distance. It took Ten Minutes to mow the Grass, Five Minutes to edge it without cutting into the roots, a Minute to blow the cuttings out of the Flowerbeds and off the Patio. Zero Minutes of Repairs necessary.

Since it was past noon Kathy called me in for lunch. She was shocked when she reached in the Loaf of Bread that we purchased the other day to see it already Moldy. Like Florida our area is noted for its High Humidity and we’ve had a lot of Rain here lately. Simple fix, she defrosted a couple of Hamburger Buns for our Sandwiches. We’ll be freezing our Bread for the rest of the summer.

After lunch I walked our Trash to the Recycle and Trash Area of the Park. On the return I saw that Russ was finally getting his new Trailer delivered.

I brought out the Closed Container from our Garden Shed that we had stored our Solar Patio Lights in and was surprised how dirty they appeared. Using a couple of Buckets, I had to wash and rinse the Lenses making them look like new.

Hugh stopped over for an afternoon visit. Even though we were sitting under our Gazebo talking, it was hard to hear because the Grass Cutting Machines were cutting nearby Sites. The Humidex felt like 90 F (32 C) this afternoon so the rest was welcoming. Even Kathy came outside to sit in the Shade with the cool breeze blowing. We also managed to get our other Lawn Ornaments up but not all the Solar Lights.

Being in the Heat wore us down quickly and by 5:00 we were getting hungry. Not wanting to heat up the Trailer by cooking inside Kathy suggested we have Pizza for supper. It didn’t take long for the Weber to cook the store-bought Chicken Primavera Pizza to perfection and it was quite tasty.

After installing more of the Solar Lights, I located the WeBoost Antenna but not the Extra SMI Cable. Guess what didn’t get installed today? I’ll try again tomorrow because not being able to connect to sites or leave Comments is not working for us.

Since the Broken Wire to our 12 Volt Plug was repaired at the Jayco Repair Center we were able to get some “Over The Air” television this evening but nothing with Local News. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


You Might Be a Redneck If

You've never paid for a tire.