
Friday, May 31, 2013

Chores STUFF and Errands.

Our Location today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

As the old song said of rocking and rolling all night long that wasn’t the case for either Kathy or I last night. What we did do was spend the night tossing and turning all night long. It reflected on our energy levels as well as we seemed to be dragging the proverbial anchor around throughout the day. As anyone who has Sleep Apnea can attest to you don’t always have the most restful nights and Insomnia is a side effect of the illness. 
We didn’t have breakfast until well after 9:00 this morning and the Weather Channel gave the same report as yesterday that we could expect thunderstorms throughout the day. So after spending another hour on the computers Kathy started going through our storage room. She managed to purge more STUFF that we no longer need or use and will be going to the Garage Sale in June and if it doesn’t sell that day it will go to the charitable drop-off the next day. 
Myself I went outside to do a few things to the truck. I managed to remove the front license plate so that I could affix the new sticker for another year. In the process I had wanted to attach a secondary plate to it but found the bolts were too short to use rubber so I used metal straps. I also found the old brackets to be tarnishing and in need of replacement. 
Instead of running one errand for the bracket this afternoon I called around to see where I could find a pizza stone that would work on our Weber Q 120. I called Williams Restaurant Supplies and explained what I wanted and that it could only be twelve inches in diameter. They guaranteed me they had that size and more. 
I kept telling Kathy to take a break from her sorting so this would be the perfect get away. As we headed to the car in the parking lot the dark clouds were beginning to roll in. Ten minutes later as we were heading westbound on the E.C. Rowe Expressway a line of raindrops appeared across our windshield and then the wind dried it off. 
Of course the restaurant supply didn’t have the small pizza stones they said they did and couldn’t understand why a larger one wouldn’t work. We stopped at Home Outfitters and Home Sense but they only had the larger sized stones as well.  
I needed to stop at Canadian Tire to get the license plate cover and a new set of wiper blades for the truck. Last week I had put new Rain-X wipers on the car and have never had dry windows like that before so you can imagine what brand I got for the truck today. On a fluke Kathy thought we should look around their outdoor living area just in case they might have pizza stones. Not only did they have pizza stones but they only carried them in the size we needed. 
Back at the apartment Kathy made a beautiful mixed salad and sautéed a couple of Portabella Mushrooms while I barbecued a couple of nice chicken breast on our Weber Q. As we were enjoying our delicious supper the rain started coming down hard. Watching the 6 o’clock News showed what little spray we got hit with on the expressway hours before had turned into a major downpour in downtown Windsor. 
Tomorrow we’ll pick up another pizza so we can try out the pizza stone which is sure to give us better results than we had the last time. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Office Jokes, Quotes, and Anecdotes

Our staff is trained to kill.


Thursday, May 30, 2013

Working Off A List.

Our Location today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

Even though we didn’t sleep soundly throughout the night we did both feel refreshed when we woke up after 8:00 this morning. We enjoyed our coffee and toast for breakfast while watching the Weather Channel predict thunderstorms on and off all day. 
Do you remember when you didn't see windmills everywhere you went.
Once we were at our computers the first thing I did was to make a list of things that I need to get accomplished. When I make a list like that I write down everything from must do things to something I can do in the next few days. I managed to scratch a couple of those items off the list just by sitting at my desk and using the phone. 
Or the highways were only two lanes.
The next errand involved driving to the Department of Motor Vehicles to get the new sticker for our truck. The big surprise was that we only stood in line for five minutes in comparison to the normal one hour wait and within two more minutes we were leaving with our sticker. Unlike the grocery store the other day our wallets were much lighter today and we only had a handful of papers to show for it. 
This is what a highway looked like.
By the time we arrived at the apartment it was already time to heat up the leftover Tacos from last night for lunch. Kathy then busied herself wrapping a special package while I attempted to set up our laptops to work wirelessly through our Turbo Hub with the printer we use when travelling. The problem is that most of the printers they sell today do not come with a CD containing the driver so you have to download it. The only download I’m able to get is the type you use a USB connection so I’ll try again calling to get the CD sent to me. 
I also continued going through old photo folders and managed to clean another point nine of a gigabyte of the hard drive of my PC. Part of the reasoning behind having duplicate pictures was for the purpose of blogging. Any pictures I thought that I would use went into that folder and as soon as I used them on the blog I would delete them from the folder. This allowed me to keep the original pictures but never using any shot twice. Many pictures may have looked like others posted before but it was never the same picture. 
Tonight Kathy and I had another thin crust pizza for supper with a salad on the side. We cooked this one in the oven until we pick up a pizza stone to use in the Weber Q. That was why our barbecued pizza didn’t turn out too well the other night. We had a beautiful hot sunny day but as we sat down to eat the skies clouded up fairly quickly and the rain hasn’t stopped since. 
My kind of road.
Tomorrow is supposed to rain again so I wonder if it will be like today. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


You Might Be a Redneck If

You've urinated from a moving vehicle.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Dry Rain Day.

Our Location today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

Kathy had the lights turned off and the covers pulled up by 10:30 last night but I just wasn’t tired. Sitting back at the computers I read the blogs that had posted since I had last looked then played a few games until I got tired. Looking at 2:05 when I went to bed I slept soundly until 8:05 this morning and haven’t felt tired all day or yawned once. The last week even when I have a full night’s sleep I normally walk around yawning most of the day. I guess that is how we survived during our careers our bodies knew when we went to bed it was time to sleep and no messing around but when you’re retired our bodies don’t get that deep sleep the way we used to. 
After watching the Weather Channel during breakfast they predicted that we were going to have rain the whole day then we headed to the computers. I kept a close eye on the time and at 10:10 I brought out two bran muffins that would help tide us over until after Kathy’s test. 
By 2:00 we were once again back at Hotel Dieu Hospital for Kathy’s test. Using medications they wanted to see how much stress her heart could take before she started experiencing problems but also if there is any blockages. Being that Kathy was born with a Congenital Heart Defect she did rather well but they still gave her a rest period before doing the second part of the test which she had to lay very still for. 
It was 3:55 by the time we were in the car and heading back to the apartment. We stopped at Taco Bell and picked up a family pack which we took home and ate until we were satisfied. Guess what we are having for lunch tomorrow considering that there was definitely more food than we could eat in one meal. 
Since it is Wednesday we were heading out to our son Kevin’s for our weekly visit. Our route to his place takes us right past Sun Parlour Trailer where our trailer is for repairs so we stopped in to see how it’s going. It seems that Keystone is dragging their feet at sending out the parts that are needed for the repairs from the blowout. I’ll have to call Cathy tomorrow to see if I can rush the order for them. 
When we got to Kevin’s we found out we weren’t the only ones having problems today. Melissa had dropped her van off at the Chrysler dealership in Amherstburg in the morning for a scheduled oil change. Since she carpools her partner picked her up there before going to work. Imagine going to pick it up over ten hours later and finding out they never touched it. The dealership gave her the use of a loaner and a big apology to boot. 
We still enjoyed our visit talking about everything and anything. Besides all of us wanting to give some people we commonly know a good shake to put some sense into them we still had a wonderful visit with lots of laughs thrown in for good measure. 
With longer daylight hours it was a beautiful clear drive home driving along the Detroit River. It never did rain today and tomorrow we still have errands we need to run before we can even think of relaxing. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

More Pictures while traveling
through Colorado.  

How do you spot a modern spider?

He has a website!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Rainy Day and More Errands

Our Location today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

Sleeping with the window ajar and breathing fresh air all night does truly help you sleep better. We both woke feeling refreshed this morning before 8:00 and enjoyed toast and coffee for breakfast. The Weather Channel showed that we’d be getting hit on and off with light to heavy rain showers throughout the day and for a change they were right. 
We spent our usual morning time at the computers before getting ready for an early lunch. With that completed we still had more errands to run today. When I was setting up Kathy’s pill daucet the other day I noted that I’d forgotten to order one of her medications. After a quick call to the pharmacy they contacted the doctor for its renewal. The reason I wasn’t panicked about it at this time was because that was one of the medications Kathy needed to stop taking because of a medical test she is having tomorrow. Our first stop out today was to pick up that medication. 
Our next Stop was at Home Outfitters as Kathy was looking for a special clothes hanger she could use in the trailer. Luckily they had what we needed and it will help open up space in her clothing drawer in the trailer as well as the closet. 
From there we crossed the street to Home Sense to glance around for ideas on gifts for future occasions. Kathy did mutter under her breathe about things for Christmas gifts. Yes it is not even June but she is already looking for ideas for gifts. 
Going back across the street we spent the next hour walking around the Zehr’s Grocery Store. We not only got our exercise walking around we even managed to lose some weight in our wallets as well. 
Our last stop was to pick up the truck at Windsor Gas and Diesel. As predicted it passed the safety with flying colors but they noted that it has a rear seal leak on the transmission. Since Don used to work at the dealership where we bought the truck he knows that part is still under warranty so I’ll have to bring it back to them to fix. Another nice thing about dealing with a small shop compared to a large company is the shop rate is much lower which meant the cost of the safety was forty five percent cheaper.  
Back at the apartment we had just finished unloading the groceries when the rain once again came down in earnest. We put all the food away and I needed to lay down for a while as my hernia started acting up maybe from too much walking. For supper we tried barbecuing a pizza on the Weber Q as we’ve been reading a lot of bloggers doing it. The fact we used a thin crust pizza didn’t help. It didn’t burn but like they say practice makes perfect. 
Tomorrow afternoon we’ll be busy but who knows what will happen in between. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

Tonights photos were taken on
I-25 South bound in the State
of Colorado. 

You Might Be a Redneck If

Your satellite dish has more square footage than your home.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Errands, Chores and Great Gift.

Our Location today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

Once again Kathy and I were pleased with the decision to sleep with the window slightly ajar last night. We actually felt refreshed and were both up before 8:00 this morning. A simple bowl of cereal and a coffee was more than enough to satisfy our appetites and helped us to be out the door shortly after 9:00. 
In less than ten minutes we were arriving at Windsor Gas and Diesel to drop the truck off for its annual safety check. Our friend Don has been the only mechanic that we have ever trusted working on our truck and when he left the dealership so did our business. He also knows we like to keep the truck in top shape so he knows it will easily pass the safety. Kathy had followed me in the car so we’d be able to run another errand on our way home. The way the sun was shining we were almost tempted to go exploring the county just for a relaxing ride. 
Back at the apartment there were a number of things that I needed to catch up on. Some of the flashlights we keep for emergency use in the apartment had weak batteries that needed replacing. Next I had to remove a couple of Kathy’s medications from her pill daucet for the next few days because of the medical test she is having done on Wednesday. 
Last night just before we left our daughter’s we were talking about the Garage Sale we are all getting together on next month. Greg suggested selling a barbecue light someone gave him that doesn’t fit his big barbecue. When he showed it to me it said Weber on the box and that it fit the Weber Q 100 & 200 series units. When I mentioned it would fit our Weber Q 120 he told me to take it. That turned into my third chore at the apartment today. This unit even turns off when you close the lid and turns back on when the lid is opened. Thanks Greg it will definitely come in handy for some after dark grilling. 
Kathy is continuing her research of things that we’ll be doing when we go to Florida next winter. She is very frugal when it comes to taking tours or other things and when one company that is charging less for a better package is getting better reviews than the competition guess which one gets marked in her book.  
I went back to cleaning my photo files on the computer and went back to the same folder that I last worked on. Today I had viewed over fifteen hundred photos, had to rotate about a third of them and deleted over a hundred. By the time supper rolled around I had cleared another one-point-two gigabytes of storage off the hard drive.  
While we enjoyed pancakes with mixed berries and whipped cream on them for supper we noticed the parking lot through our balcony doors was starting to appear wet and the temperature was dropping as well. Tomorrow is another day! Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

All Photos tonight are
Taken on I-25 southbound
through the Big Horn
Mountains in Wyoming. 

Office Jokes, Quotes, and Anecdotes

Drink Up, No Cold Storage There's a machine just down the hall with lots of cold beverages. Please get your bottles of water and pop out of the fridge. If you are wondering why some of them disappeared occasionally now you know. I was thirsty. That goes for you too, oversized-Brita-pitcher lady.

The Office Refrigerator,

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Errands Again!

Our Location today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

We did sleep with the bedroom window opened a slight bit last night which gave us plenty of fresh air and it even helped us to keep the covers pulled up. We did sleep in until 8:00 this morning and felt fairly refreshed. As we were enjoying our waffles and coffee for breakfast we were very glad to see the Weather Channel predicting a slow but steady improvement in the temperatures through the next week. We moved to the computers to get caught up on our morning reading afterwards. 
I had called the hospital the other day to talk with my friend Ernie to see how he was doing and was very happy to learn that he had been sent home. Many provinces in Canada feel that patients will heal better in their own homes than in the hospitals themselves after having procedures done. They will send nurses out to your homes to monitor that you are taking the medications you should, changing surgical dressings and monitoring your progress.  
This morning I called his home and spoke to his wife Sheryl for a few minutes. She was trying to apologize for not having let me know he was home. I assured her that should be the last thing she worries about because she has a lot more on her mind. Ernie finally got on the line and he sounded his usual happy go lucky self. He explained a few problems that the doctors had encountered in his treatment and what they did to correct it. He even got a chance to visit with his mother who is still recovering from a medical procedure of her own. I signed off telling him that we’ll have to help him and Sheryl break in their C-class RV once we’re all doing better. 
Kathy and I were at Walmart by 11:30 so I could pick up the tool box I had seen yesterday. Yesterday I needed to measure the cabinet in the truck to be certain it would fit before I bought it. We also spent some time looking around for ideas of something to buy because there are a number of special birthdays coming up this month. 
We stopped at A&W and used a coupon that helped us keep our lunch cost down. Next we headed to the Coles Book Store at the Tecumseh Mall but unfortunately they didn’t have what we needed. Driving across town to the Devonshire Mall we went to the Chapters Book Store where they had a large variety of the books to choose from.  
While at the mall we met up with one of our neighbors from our old neighborhood when we had the house.  They have also moved not too far from us this last month. It was a very short but pleasant visit and update.  We hope to see them again soon. 
After enjoying our supper of Spare Ribs that Kathy had put in the slow cooker before we left this morning we headed over to our daughter’s for our Sunday night visit. They had their friends Kevin and Sandi over for dinner so we visited with them as well. They are also into RVing and were interested to hear about our trip to Florida first hand. Even though we had eaten before going over they still shared dessert and tea with us. 
For a couple who are retired we do seem to keep very busy. Makes you wonder how you did anything at all while you were still working. Tomorrow we have a lot more to do. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


You Might Be a Redneck If

Neighbors come to you for tire swing advice.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

More Errands and Good Food.

Our Location today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

Both Kathy and I had a very unrestful night’s sleep last night. Even though we didn’t have the windows open due to a frost warning for the area neither did we have the heat on. We just couldn’t seem to get comfortable which also means that if you don’t sleep early you are bound to sleep late. That is exactly what we did we slept until 9:00 this morning before our feet hit the floor.  
After having cereal for breakfast and watching the Weather Channel to see what the temperature was going to make it to today. We found out that the temperatures will slowly make its way back to near summer time levels by the middle of the week and bring with it some thunderstorms in the process. We spent the rest of the morning on the computers before having an early lunch. 
We left by noon with a few errands in mind, one of which was getting our Samsung Laser printer repaired. After hauling it out to the car to our stop at Staples where we had purchased it proved disappointing. Staples does not service printers and we were told to contact Samsung to see where to ship it for repairs. If the cost will be too high we’ll just write it off since we really don’t require a laser printer anymore.  
Kathy at the Grand Canyon in 2008.

We stopped at Princess Auto in hopes of finding another support brace for Kathy’s wrist but they were out of stock today.  
Continuing on we stopped at Walmart where Kathy needed to look for warmer sleepwear for when we are on the road in the colder weather and some plant food for the two indoor plants we brought to our apartment after selling our house in 2011. I even looked around for a tool box that would keep all my sockets organized because the set up I presently have continues to spill them all over inside my cabinet. I did find something but needed to measure the cabinet I built in the truck bed before I buy it. 
Our last stop was at Pennington’s at the Tecumseh Mall where Kathy was finally able to find tops for a couple of pairs of capris she has. 
We weren’t home too long and I had hauled the printer back upstairs and now that I’ll be getting the tool box tomorrow at Walmart the next thing I did was fire up the Weber Q to grill up a couple of Brats for supper. Kathy’s hands are still in severe pain so I cut and cleaned an Acorn Squash for her. She also made mashed potatoes and a nice peach ala mode dessert to go with it. 
After enjoying a delicious supper we watched the 6 O’clock News where they showed the weather will be nicer tomorrow than first expected. So chances are we won’t be home watching life pass us by. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


What do you get if you cross a bird with a magician?

A flying sorcerer.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Errands, Chores and Good Food.

Our Location today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

We both slept fairly well last night but Kathy still has a lot of discomfort from not having any Arthritic Medication to take. Relying on Extra Strength Tylenol for pain medication is not anyone’s way to go through life. We stayed in bed until 8:30 this morning before having our breakfast and soon afterwards going out the door to see Kathy’s family doctor. 
Kathy was already in the examining room talking with her doctor by the time I had parked the car. She had a true heart to heart talk with the doctor about her pain and another issue on her chart. By the time she walked out she had a new prescription to try and if that doesn’t help her within the next month the doctor will put her back on the medication that does work. 
I stopped off at Windsor Gas and Diesel to drop off my service key for the truck. I had planned on giving it to them yesterday but forgot it back at the apartment. I’ll be dropping the truck off for its yearly safety certification on Monday and should have it back by Tuesday unless our friend Don the Licensed Truck Mechanic can finish it by Monday afternoon. It all depends on his being able to finish the last job on the hoist first. 
We also had to stop at Shoppers Drug Mart to get Kathy’s prescription for her new arthritic medication filled. We needed to wait about twenty minutes for it so we just browsed around the store admiring all the nice looking things that we weren’t going to buy. 
Once we got back to the apartment it was time for lunch. It is amazing how fast time flies even when you’re not always having fun. Once we’d eaten I started sorting the laundry which got delayed this week because of all the appointments we had. Kathy insisted on passing the vacuum around right after I went out the door and not surprisingly picked up a fair amount of dust caused by the construction on our building. Notice By the time I had returned with the folded clothes Kathy needed a Snap which was fine with me because I needed a short break from the laundry because I had forgotten to wear my Hernia belt and was really feeling the effects of folding the laundry.
Notice how small those trucks appear?
For supper I fired up our Weber Q 120 on the balcony and put on a couple of nice Sirloin steaks. Kathy was making a couple of nice salads made with baby spinach for a side. While I was inside I sliced up a nice Sweet Potato so that Kathy could sauté them as fries on the stove. Everything just seemed to be ready at once and we had a delicious supper and got a chance to watch the evening news at the same time. 
The rest of the evening was spent at the computers and the weather is supposed to start climbing back to seasonal temperatures starting tomorrow. I’m sure that means we won’t just be sitting around. What do you think? Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


You Might Be a Redneck If

Your cigarette lighter is your stove.